Something very, very interesting... (Prologue)

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Once, there was nothing. Nothing at all. Just the big, vast, empty space. This was, what we call, the motherdimension. Suddenly, there was a big explosion. A lot of l-energy was freed in that explosion. What is l-energy, you might ask? Well, let's just say it's the strongest, highest and most concentrated form of energy that you couldn't even imagine. That energy was making everything, from planets, to stars, to asteroids... to living creatures. In the center of the explosion, there were creatures...not born, but formed. These creatures called themselves "Cybos" and were pretty much the equivalent of some godly force. They had the power to create stuff, just by thinking of it. The 6 most powerful of them were called "the ultimate 6"
They were the 6 Cybos that formed closest to the explosion, that they named the "l-bang", and they also were the most powerful ones.
They used it to create different planets with different ecosystems. They created solar systems, universes and eventually discovered, that they had created so much, they would need some kind of system to keep everything together and in order. So, they created what we call now "Dimensions". They formed them all in about the same scheme, but not to exact, so they can later experiment with what they've done more efficiently. Also, to provide more order, they ordered all the dimensions they've created within a cubic grid and called it "The Dimension-Grid". Around the Dimension-Grid, they put big walls, which are no known as "Dimension-Walls", "Dimension-Floor" and you guessed it, "Dimension-Roof". All the walls together were also simply called "the Walls". And the Walls plus the Dimension-Grid together were finally called the "Dimension-Cube". As you see, they were pretty straight forward with how to name something, but that doesn't matter. The creation was finished.
After creating all of the Dimensions they wanted, they realized where all the energy, that they just used to create everything, really came from. While a lot of energy was still floating around from the explosion, which they logically used, most of the energy came from themselves. All the creating made them pretty weak... well, in comparison to their prior powers, that is.
Over time, they realized that just creating stuff not only drains a lot of their power but can also be very dangerous. They started to set up different rules, for example, they banned creating things bigger than 10 cubic Meters for everyone except the ultimate 6. They also realized, that each Cybo, which is not part of the ultimate 6, had a special ability, like survival, experimenting, building, fighting, etc.
You might wonder, why fighting would be a needed ability. Well, it's actually surprisingly simple: There were lots of crimes. What do they count as a crime? Well, destruction, murder, the usual as you see.
One day, the ultimate 6 sent out the scientists to build something that splits every Cybo in two, a good and a bad side. After that, the bad side should be exterminated, ultimately powering the Cybosplitter. But something went wrong, and the machine did not kill the bad side. Not always. Sometimes, it killed the good side, sometimes, it killed both, and sometimes, it killed neither.
Many Cybos didn't want to be split, so they tried to run, but nobody escapes the ultimate 6. Well, almost. Some actually made their way out, and so did I. I ran far away, to a place that the creatures living on it called "earth". You can definitely see, the lack of creativity wasn't limited to Cybos.
Anyways, I knew I wasn't safe the moment I came down to earth. A fighter was sent after me, and I knew I didn't have much time left. He was searching earth, killing everyone in their way, just to see, if I hid in them.
I was already giving up my hope, since the travel to earth used up almost all of my powers, but then, I found something very, very interesting...

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