episode seven / sports festival two

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y/n's mind: after the race it was a Calvary battle me and midorya where chilling when i heared mic say something about the girls to witch i look over and see them wherein cheer uniforms i saw and blushed hard seeing momo and the others to which she fell looking defeated i then saw mineta giggly to him self as the girls scam at him but his giggling stopped right when he saw me coming for him 

mic: ohh and it looks like we have some hatred among the filed 

mineta: ahhhhh please spare me im sorry!!!!!

y/n: *both fully extended hydra's* come here im gonna put the fear of god in you!!!!!

y/n's mind: after that scuffle we went on to do the carvery battle which shoto won and midorya came close i swiped some good bands here and there (hey sorry if you enjoyed the clavery battle but i don't want to write that much and basically it happened the same way but you know y/n was there) it was then time for the battles one on one i was in the booth with my class i was whaching the battles chatting with midorya who was analyzing as normal which i found fun then i saw it was my turn for the battle i was walking down the hall when i ran into the one teacher with the white hair again 

y/n:  ohh mr kasuba hi i was just getting to the battle 

kyo: ah yes well i just need a moment of your time its about your opponent

y/n: uhh yea what was his name again yasu right 

kyo: yes and just a little tip i made it my personal duty to train him to the fullest extent so don't underestimate him k 

y/n: uhh yea i wont 

kyo: good now enjoy your battle *walks away*

y/n's mind: i took that to mind and so when i walked up and saw yasu he looked pretty happy even though we where fighting but before midnight could signal the battle he walked over to me and held out his hand 

yasu: may the best man win 

y/n: i except your offer but i wont go easy on you 

yasu: ha neither will i 

kirashima: *to himself* so manly

midnight: uhhmm how sweet you too boys are 

yasu/y/n: wtf 

y/n's mind: after that weirdness happened he when back to his side  and midnight wiped her wip down signaling the start right when this happened i aw yasu rush me as i thought ok he needs to be close but i still don't know his quirk so lets force him to use it  i doge back as his fist ruses towards me i try to use hidora to push him out when hidora doesn't move i wonder why and when i look down i see the cement holding him down it was then he goes to punch me when i summon my second hydra i start think as i hold him back and think if he whats me to be thrown out hell have to remove the cement on hidora and just like that it dose 

izuku pov.

izuku: i don't think he'll be able to combat with him it looks like he has a cement quirk simaller to cementoss which means he is basically unstoppable but give him not being a pro and training he might not use it for long because of his body *mutter mutter mutter* 

bakugo: can someone shut him up 

uraraka: hey midorya what about y/n do you think he can win 

izuku: well that depends because y/n can only summon two which is the maximum for a person and who knows how much he can summon but two is a major disadvantage because hes good long range but bad close range 

back to y/n pov.

y/n's mind: i cant shake him hes always up in my face i then retract one hydra and he goes to hit my back then being blasted off to the sky he was falling out the arena when he makes a very big square and puts him in the ring 

yasu: not to be a downer but i thought you would go all out 

y/n: all alight then lets go 

y/n's mind: i then send both hydras after him and he makes a concrete barrier to stop from falling out the arena like shoto  he was holding them back very well and it was then my eyes went blue and i could feel another hydra sprout from my back it then rushed him and it hit him but right when the smoke cleared i saw he made the cement around him form on to him like dark shadow he then slams my hydra to the ground and holds it there with cement he starts running at me to force me to make one more hydra appear four in total i try my hardest and the he goes for a right hook to which i grab his fist and send him out the ring with all my hydra's coming back and i fall over and passing out 


(the fight was kinda like shoto and izuku but not as long or not as much damage)

y/n's mind: i woke up to see recovery girl at her desk and look over to see izuku, yasu, and uraraka i sit up and look at them to see them happy that im ok 

y/n: ahh what happened 

izuku: well i believe you summoned one to many hydra's and passed out do to the overuse 

uraraka: yea that was some fight i cant believe how much you held your ground 

yasu: yea im impressed y/n who knows maybe well battle again to see who's better

y/n: yea looking forward to it

recovery girl: alright now izuku was right you used to much of your quirk go home and rest you'll need it 

y/n's mind: yea thx but cant rest yet


sigaraki: huh good job kid now he just needs to bring me more info on his class especially that kid bakugo 

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