episode nine / adjust

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y/n's mind: it was then i saw him all for one the guy who made all this the guy who could take on all might i wanted to run but sat there in fear 

izuku's pov.

deku: wait the villains appeared and... and y/n is there two 

shoto: so it is true 

ida: well we should listen to make sure 

all for one: ahh hello tomura shigaraki i thank you for getting me these two especially you f/n l/n i can feel your doubt but don't worry im here to fix that *uses a quirk to pull you in* don't get me Wong y/n i like you a lot but ever since you went to that school you have been doubting yourself and ill change that  for you

y/n's mind: i was so numb with fear as his hand crept towards my face when i heared him say something 

all for one: so your here after all aren't you?

y/n's mind: it was then i tilted my head back to see all might burst throw clouds and grab me as he punches all for one he then threw me back to get to safety which wasent really as the other villains crept around me and bakugo it was then after awhile i saw some of the class 1-a students get us out of there but before i could flinch bakugo punched me out cold 

meanwhile after the victory---------

bakugo: hey extras we should probially get him to the station *holds up unconsciousness y/n*

izuku: ye...yea 

y/n's mind: it was then i wake up to aizawa and a police man looking at me i try to move but im chained down 

aizawa: hello y/n mind talking with us for a bit 

y/n: uhh i don't know what you mean 

aizawa: we found a lot of info at the lov base mind telling us how they go it

y/n's mind: i gave up and talked to them i told them everything i know and then they seemed to step out to talk 

tsukauchi: look eraser i know hes one of your students but his fingerprints where there but he dose seem to regret it so he should serve sometime then he can go back to a somewhat life 

aizawa: yea i agree but hes got a lot to make up for when hes done 

tsubauchi: alright we should get him now *goes to get him* 

ayako: y/n....

y/n's mind: when i hear that voice my body froze solid i turn up and see my mom with tears in her eyes as she looks at me i couldn't say a word but i could see how disappointed they where with me and my dad looked at me like i was not his son it was then i thought wait am i gonna have to find a new home now i was so scared i could only mutter one word 

y/n: s....sorry

time skip---------

y/n's mind: i survived a long time in jail and the police took me home i open the door just to see my dad on the couch and my mom in the kitchen i walk up to my mom to say something but she looks at me then looks away i try to talk to my dad but he just takes his newspaper and blocks me out i look down as i go to my room and tomorrow begins of hell it was then the next day i wake up on my own and start walking to school where and i didn't realize i was in the alleyway where it all happened where it began i summon hidora and slam the wall only to retract him and continue on i made it to the front gates where i saw snipe and cementoss waiting for me i fallow them all the way to nezu's office as i kept getting glares and sat down 

nezu: ah hello y/n 

y/n: ...

nezu: y/n i know its hard for you and you'll have to deal with that so you will still be going to the same places but you will be worked hard and have to face angry students but i believe you can make it  

y/n: ...principle nezu how can you be so happy i betrayed all of you i shouldn't be aloud here any more 

nezu: well i guess its a good thing i give second chances now you should get to class snipe will take you there 

snipe: come on kid 

y/n: y...yea

y/n's mind: it was quiet in the halls everyone had been in class it was then i saw the big door it was then snipe opened it to see aziawa once he sees me i look down insistently to avoid his harsh glare it was then he brought me up and i saw everyone look at me in silence 

aziawa: y/n go on make it up

y/n: *sighs* he...hello everyone its been a long time so i just wanted to say i am really sorry and that i will be on a path of good to make up for the wrong I've caused 

aizawa: ok now go sit down and listen up  

y/n's mind: i go to sit down walking past all my classmates when i sit down and although i couldn't use hidora to clam down so i just sat there and that was because now until they trust me i cant use my quirk without permission and cant go unseen for a couple of minutes its like Alcatraz in here it was then the end of the horrible day i was getting ready to walk out when i heared izuku behind me i just listen to him without turning around but i could tell the others where there including momo

izuku: y/n look are you ok and all 

y/n: ....

izuku: hey maybe we can go to the mall like old times huh

bakugo: don't waist your time deku blind eye over there doesn't care for you 

izuku: shut up khaccan for once he can change like everyone else 

y/n: i thank you midorya but i cant be trusted its better to leave me alone 

momo: y..y/n please come to the mall with us maybe we could really see how you are help you

y/n: maybe ill think about it

y/n's mind: its been maybe a hour or so i deiced to go and i walk out the door only to meet the silence of my parents when i got there i saw everyone as normal but most still had a look of doubt it was then bakugo got in my face 

bakugo: hey you blind eyed bastered  ill be keeping my eye on you 

y/n: yea yea katsuki i know *sigh*

y/n's mind: we walked around the place and after a while i finally lost bakugo so i took a breather i was so happy to see all the people walking past me not realizing who i am because i made it to the tv well at least my mask now serves two proposes i made my way to a wall when i feel a hand on my neck i don't freak out and just think so this is what it felt like eh midorya 

tomura: hey kid miss me 

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