Chapter 1 - Randy

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Ponyboy Curtis slept quietly and peacefully with his brother Drarrel. While his brother Sodapop was sleeping in the other room. This is how it went in the Curtis house. Ponyboy would sleep with Drarry one night and Soda another. Its just how it was now. Slowly, he began to stir from his sleep. He wiped his sleep-crusted eyes and struggled to get from up under his brothers strong hold. He took a deep breath and tried again. He groaned and sighed. There was no way around this, hed have to wake up Drarry.

Drarry. Ponyboy said, shaking the twenty year old. Drarry, come on, wake up. All he got in response was a grunt. He groaned. How can you sleep so soundly when Im supposed to be taken to school by none other than your dumbass? He thought. Hed have to use force to get Drarry to wake up.

Drarry Curtis, wake your happy go lucky ass up! Ponyboy screamed. Drarry jumped awake making Ponyboy slide to the end of the bed. Success!

Good Mornin to you to Pony. Drarry muttered, rubbing the middle of his forehead. Drarry sat up and continued to rub his temple.

Mornin Drarry, wake up we have a good thirty to thirty-five minutes to get ready for school. Ponyboy said. His brother shot him a glare. One that said, I hate you so much, why couldnt you let me go back to sleep. The older brother groaned and fell back on the bed making it creak.

Come on Drary, we dont have all day. Ponyboy was already tightening his boots. He had on bootcut jeans and a black T-Shirt. He put on the jean jacket that Drarry got for his birthday and the leather gloves Dally and Johnny had gotten him for christmas last year. He pulled on a baseball cap and grabbed his flip-phone that was labeled The gang on its metal base. Hed gotten everyone one for Christmas with help from Two-Bits shoplifting trick. He paid for his brothers phones, of course, to make up for it.

No. Drarry groaned.

Drarry, now. Ponyboy spat, giving Drarry a death glare. His eyes pierced through Drarrys.

Fine, fine, dont get cold on me kid. Drarry sat up and pulled on a shirt. Finally, about twenty minutes later they were dressed and walking to the school. He stopped by Johnnys house and his mother looked Ponyboy up and down.

Who are you? Mrs.Cade spat.

Ponyboy Curtis, maam. Ponyboy said. Id like to see your son, Johnny, if hes here.

Johnny! Mrs.Cade called. Theres some boys down here who want you! They heard footsteps and soon Johnny appeared at the door.

Hey Pony, Hi Drarry. Johnny smiled.

Hey Johnnycakes. Ponyboy waved. He then looked back over at Mrs.Cade, who was standing at the door, tapping her foot rapidly.

Mrs.Cade, Ponyboy began, careful with his words. If we may, can we take Johnny to school? Were on our way there right now. Mrs.Cade gave him a strained smile. She stopped tapping her foot.

Oh, no, no, I wouldnt want you to go through all this trouble for...well...him. Mrs.Cade said. Ponyboys mood turned from pleasant and poilent to cold and tough, just like Dallas.

Mrs.Cade not to be rude, but we must take Johnny to school. Ponyboys smile began to strain. Mrs.Cade pondered on this for a moment.

Fine, fine, the boy can go. Mrs.Cade shoved Johnny out and slammed the door behind them. And so there were three on their walk to school.

Dont you have track practice? asked Johnny.

No, thats tomorrow Johnny. Ponyboy looked at the field and saw Randy was there. How hed formed a hatred over him once more since that night. He turned stiff. He stopped walking and just glared.

Ponyboy, whats wrong? Drarry asked.

Ponyboy shook his head. Nothing, just...something. Drarry groaned. Drarry hated his brothers word puzzles.

So, something of nothing? Johnny questioned.

Maybe. Ponyboy grumbled. He began to walk again towards Randy. He shoved him, making him look away from his so-called friends and at him.

Oh, its you Pony! Hey. Randy said, all friendly like.

First, dont call me Pony. Ponyboy spat. He glared into Randy, and saw right through his pathetic act. He lowered his voice so only Randy could hear him. Second, whyd you jump me? Hatred filled him. It was over 5 months ago but he was still thinking about it. How theyd gotten him in the alley. Against the wall. Punched him. Bruised him. Knifed him. And then... Tears began to roll down his cheek but he brushed them away impatiently. Randy knelt down.

Paybacks a bitch, isnt it? Randy whispered. Tears stringed Ponyboys eyes and suddenly, in a dumb, spur of the moment, mood, he kicked his shins.

Paybacks a bitch, isnt it? Ponyboy spat. He grabbed Johnny and Drarys arm and pulled them away from the scene and upstairs into the school.

What was that?! Drarry asked when Ponyboy had stopped at his locker. He sighed.

I said Paybacks a bitch didnt I? Ponyboy grabbed his textbooks and looked back at the two boys. Johnny on the other hand was concerned and Drarry was just pure on clueless.

Ponyboy, youve never done that to Randy before, what happened? Johnny asked. He stepped forward to Ponyboy. Ponyboy sighed.

Its nothing, Johnny. Ponyboy tried to walk but Johnny stopped him.

Ponyboy, something is wrong. It isnt nothing. Johnny said softly. And you may think I didnt see but you started to cry. What did he do to you?

Just drop it Johnny! Ponyboy yelled, throwing his hands up in the air. His voice softened. Im sorry Johnny...its just nothin okay? Johnny sighed heavily but nodded. Drarrys arms were crossed across his chest.

Ponyboy. Drarry said, walking up to him. He ruffled with his brothers hair. Be careful. Ill pick you up with the gang after school.

Bye, Drarry, and I will. Promise. Ponyboy smiled and his hand clasp Johnnys as they walked down the hall together. The departed as their classes were on the two different ends of the hall.

Goodbye Johnnycakes. Ponyboy said, letting his hand go.

Bye baby boy. Johnny stopped. Had he just called Ponyboy that god forsaken nickname? I mean, he loved the nickname for Ponyboy but he never used it before. It was new. And Ponyboy was always somewhat different when it came to new things.

Ponyboy only giggled. Bye, Johnny. Johnny sighed. Either Ponyboy didnt notice or didnt care. Johnny was happy either way.

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