part 29: abandoned books

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Hey so i know its been a minute but i receive some messages telling me not delete this book.

This is dedicated to demonic_lone_wolf because she is my princess. Luv ya princess.

Anyways, I hate it when I add a book to my library and I read it and really start to get into it and then it ends  not thatit got to the end of the book but the book stops right there and then I go to the authors page only to see that they haven't updated the book since 2013 and it really makes me mad I mean I can understand if you stop updating a book because you're not getting any reads but when your book has 6. 15 K reads there is no reason for you to not update your book that's just rude as fuck, you have people reading your book begging you to update and you haven't updated your booking 2 years that's really crappy like you have fans of your books and you're going to leave them hanging like that? I do my best to not leave my readers hanging and I try to update as regularly as possible, okay I get that things might come up in life or you might be busy but that's no excuse for you to leave your book completely abandoned for 2 freaking years that's just ridiculous if you're not going to update your book then you need to delete it its a simple as that you need to apologize to your readers and let them know that you won't be continuing  the book because you either lost interest or you just don't want to write it anymore. There's no reason for you to just leave and leave the book open ended like that and have people thinking that you still might update when you haven't in two years that's really just wrong to do to the people. I have a few books that I haven't touched it a couple months but only because I feel like their not getting any reads but if a person messages me and asked me to update I will do it it's really kind of torture is to not  if somebody is really enjoying your book then I feel that if they take the time out of their day to read your book you should take a little time out of your day to update for them so they have something to enjoy. I don't understand why authors do that it's not right but anyways, Comment below and let me know what you think.  As always vote, comment, share, and follow. I hope you enjoyed my little mini rant or whatever byeeeeeee.

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