Task 2

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Did you know it's actually illegal to be straight and cis in a city called Prosto? 


We all know cishets are privileged and that some of them can take that privilege for granted. Today, your task is to treat those cishets who take their privilege for granted and/or are homophobic/transphobic/etc. the same way they treat LGBTQ+ people. Try phrases like:

"No, it's totally fine to be straight/cis, I just wish they wouldn't shove it in our faces."

"Sorry, being straight/cis against my religion."

"Seeing straight/cis people is going to make the children straight/cis!"

"The children are too young to learn about heterosexuality/cisgenderism."

"I just think being straight/cis is disgusting."

*disgusted look at anything cishet related*

Customize it as you wish, even better if the person has actually said a version of it.

Gayly Daily recommendation: AreTheyGay (YouTube channel)

Remember you are all beautiful, loved, and valid! <3

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