Chapter 1 - after fight

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Newt, Tina, Theseus, Jacob, Flamel and Nagini - they all stood in the middle of the cemetery where the fight took place. They were all sad and devastated. They all went from there to Flamel's house. From there, everyone went their own way - Jacob returned to New York, returned to his bakery. And everyone else went to London - they went to Hogwarts. 

As they left Hogwarts, Newt suggested Tina and Nagini, who were not to return to New York until a week later, to go home to him. They agreed because they didn't know where to stay, and both were destroyed from the lost of Queenie and Credence.

They came home to him.

 "Aren't you hungry or thirsty or something?" Newt asked. 

"Ehm... maybe." 

Nagini replied to him. Tina didn't answer, just nodded slightly. 

"What do you want? Tea? Coffee? Butterbeer?" 

"Just a cup of tea" Said Nagini. 

"And you Tina?"

 "Ehm... tea sounds good, thank you." 

As the Newt left to the kitchen, Tina sat down on the couch next to Nagini and gently wrapped her arms around Nagini's shoulders. Nagini was very sad, but she enjoyed being hugged. Newt returned from the kitchen with three cups of tea. They drank them in silence. When they had finished, Newt stood up and said: 

"Um... Nagini? Your room will be upstairs, on the left side from stairs. And your room, Tina, will be opposite Nagini's room." 

"Thank you Newt." They said. 

--- evening --- 

Both Tina and Nagini were in their rooms, but Newt was still feeding his beasts. When he was finished, he went upstairs and knocked on Nagini's door first. 

"Can go in!" she called from the room. 

"I just came to say good night to you, and don't you need anything?" 

"No, thank you for... everything, and good night to you too." 

Then he closed the door and  knocked on Tina's room. "Here you go." Tina said. 

"Hi, I... I just want to tell you good night, and don't you want anything?" 

"Thank you Newt, I don't need anything, good night." 

Then Newt closed Tina's door, and went to his room. When he was lying on his bed, his thoughts flew to Tina again. He was thinking of her a lot. Every day. But it always hurt when he remembered that Tina was still dating Achilles. He was lying, thinking of her, and tear running down his cheek.

--- morning ---

Newt woke up and looked at the alarm clock - it was 7:30. He got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to have something for breakfast. After a few minutes, Tina, already fully dressed in work clothes, went downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Good morning." Said Tina. 

"Och, good morning Tina."

"I need to go to the British ministry of Magic today. I'll take Nagini with me and find out where her family is so she can go home." 

"Ehm... okay..., I must go to the ministya too. Theseus wants to meet me..."

At 8:00, all three were ready. They took each other's hands and appeared at the ministry. Tina went with Nagini to the aurors' office and Newt went to see his brother. 

Tina was in the office looking for Nagini's family when someone knocked on the door. 

"Come on!" 

The door opened and Achilles stood there.

"Achilles? What... are you doing here?"

"Hi Tina, I'm here for you, and because of Grindelwald, of course..."

"Yes,... of course..."

"And ... wouldn't you like to go to dinner tonight?"

"Ehm... maybe, I have a lot of work Achilles..."

"Tina, I also have a lot of work to do, but taking one night off won't hurt you ... "

"Yeah, propably not..., okay, I'll go to dinner with you."

"At 8?"

"At 8."

I hope you liked the first chapter, another one will be released tomorrow.

I'm sorry it's a little shorter ...

And don't worry, Tina doesn't like to have dinner with Achilles! ;)

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