Middle School Relationships

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  • Zadedykowane Every Person who has some if'y life chocies

Now DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMERS not all middle school relationships are nasty there are like 1/10 that are okay and not annoying but for those other 9 couples , grab your self a chair and listen up

Ok, so in order to understand and judge the middle school relationship we must analyze them first so I present .......
Stage 1: "Love" at first sight
Imagine: there you are, in 7th grade health, and while the teacher is showing a video about STDs but you can't stop staring at this super hot guy . The way he rocks his Nike shorts,shirts,shoes,backpacks,pencils, (probably even underwear) it make your little prepubescent self just melt

Stage 2: the TBH
Obviously since he is "the love of your life" you were his first Instagram followers and you have liked ever single one of his mirror selfies. But today he posts something different , a TBH . Your heart flutters , this could be were you find out if he likes you. You double tap, and you stare at your phone waiting for the notification, and after what seems like 10000 years he give y a tbh and it read
"Your really cool and pretty we should hang out 😛"

Stage 3: will you go out with me?
You guys have been texting for awhile. He texts you one day saying
Him: hey so can I ask u something 🙊
You: Yeah what is it 👂
Him: so I have kinda had a crush on u 4 like awhile and I was wondering if u would go out with me💓💗❤️💚💜💙💛💍💎😻😍😘
You: yeah sure😍

Stage 4: Instagram Official
Now that your officially dating you have to update your Instagram bio using one of the following phrased
Taken by the most wonderful guy

Stage 5: I love you
Obviously it's love if you've been dating for about 12 hours so you text h
You: Goodnight bby I luv u 😻😍😘
Him:luv u 2 bæ

Stage 6: the break up
After 24 hours of dating you break up cause he drank your apple juice. You though it was love but, you were wrong . You can identify this stage by analyzing the females Twitter and see posts like
"Wish you were here holding me 😭😩. #first heart break"
"If a girl cries over you, she truly luvs u" #truluv

Someone please explain to me why you need to be dating in middle school. Like its fine if your like actually dating but, your not gonna fall in love within 24 hours of dating. Like no stop it now on top of that the following are actual quotes from 7th graders at my school

Names have been changed

"Oh my god, like Christian is the first boy i've ever cried over"

"Cindy do you really love him?"

"Yeah i think so"

*every girl starts squealing"

Like no your 12 your not in love. You don't need a new boyfriend every week and you don't need to have a boyfriend to be cool. JUST STOP

My Faith in HumanityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz