Fuck Boi

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Now, on many occasions people dont know the word "Fuck Boi" so i will try to explain it using urban dictionary
"A guy who tried to get with everyone. A player. A guy who will lie to a girl to get her to hook up or send pics. They will think they are the shit when they aren't. A guy who will only date a girl for her body. A total ass. A guy that will make a girl laugh and cry, and a guy who lie and say i love you" and there we have it folks the definition of fuck boy. Now since I am only 14 i am constantly surrounded by about level 4-5 fuck bois at school, since 14yr old boys haven't figure out "wow i don't have to be a total douche for people to like me" , but the most experienced fuck bois i find on kik and meow chat. So lets go through the ways of a fuck boi and types so we can further more analyze them

1. The Internet Fuck Boi
Have you ever gone on omegle or for better example meow . Here you are having friendly small talk when he says one of the following
"Send pics?"
"Wanna see how hard you making me?"
"What color underwear are you wearing?"
And im just like WOAH BIBITY BOOPITY BACK THE FUCK UP. How did we get from the topic of sleep to the color of my undies. Like no calm down and keep yo thirst in check

2. The Real Life Fuck Boi
Now theese are thoose guys every girl falls for . And first they seem sweet but after like 2 weeks of dating there goals change and the only goal they have is to get in your pants. Theyll do any rounda bout swerve or slidin into dms to achieve this goal. And once they've achieved this goal your done

3. The Under Cover Fuck Boi
You know those guys that are like super sweet and you just wanna cuddle them till the world ends. They are so innocent, and unlike the rl fuck boi they actually are like able people. Yeah well, better watch out they might also be a fuck boi. Under cover or ninja fuck bois tend to strike after 2 weeks+ of dating and you never see it coming

I cant with fuck bois, and like why cant they just not double the amount of testosterone being produced and tone it down. Like just be sweet, I personally am not expecting you to be like Augustus Waters cute but like step up yo game. Lower doucheness, swag, and thirst and try to raise your human emotions that don't include being a total player

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