3. Methodes (eng)

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🚨 No hate if don't working, I tried some and they worked on me but all depend on people so maybe try another!🚨
Before you do any method it helps to meditate if you'd like, you do not have to meditate, listen to subliminals. Do what makes you comfortable! ( some songs will be in next chapter ) When you count or say affirmations say them in your head or out loud, it's your choice.
You can lay in any position you want for any of these but some request a specific position.

Let's start with one of these:

Raven method
-Listen to subliminals
-Lay in a starfish position on the back is important! Be comfortable and none of your members have to touch others ( arms, legs)
-Start counting to 100; example 1, 2, 3, 4...
-You can visualize while counting or saying affirmations; 1, i am shifting, 2, i can shift...
-You should start to feel symptoms; floating, tingles, no feeling in body, bright light, shallow breaths, anything out of the ordinary
-Continue counting/ saying affirmations and fall asleep.

Raven 2.0
-Count to 100
-Say affirmations in between; 1 i am shifting, 2 i am shifting, 3 i am shifting...
-Once you get to 50 stop affirmations and start visualizing. Imagine what smell the place, what is look like, what you ear, who's there.
-Once you get to 100 stop visualizing for 1 min
-Then imagine you are in your dr room.
-Get up from your bed and walk over to your door, open it and you should have shifted

Pillow method (for paper script people)
-Read over script
-Get comfortable, meditate, listen to music
-Put script under pillow
-Say affirmations and visualize
-Go to sleep

Julia's method
-Listen to theta waves 5-10 mins
-Say "i am" until you feel symptoms
-Count to 100
-Affirm yourself about you dr self; say 'i am female', 'i have brown eyes'
-Keep doing that until you shift or fall asleep

Alice in wonderland
-Visualize yourself laying next to a tree
-Someone from your dr runs past you
-You run after them
-Follow them for however long you'd like then watch them jump down a hole
-Follow after them when your ready
Image you falling for however long you'd like
-Once you land you will see a key
-Use the key to open a door with a white light coming from it
-Then image the person that ran past you standing in front of the door asking you if you are ready to shift to your dr
-Take their hand and walk through the door
-You can image you walking through the door and then you see yourself in your dr laying in your bed then you lay down on top of them and sink into their body (if that makes any sense)

Piano method
- Image you are surrounded by people (this can be wherever you want)
-There is a grand piano in the middle of the room
-Walk towards the piano. Take your time with this step
-You are wearing elegant clothes
-You start to play a song on the piano (your pick)
-Once you are done (people will clap) you will stand up and say I must go home now
-Someone from your dr will be waiting for you by a hallway
-You will walk through the hallway that is lined with doors
-I've you come a long a brown door with a gold handle youwill open the door and see a bright light
-You fall asleep

Estelle method
-Play a song that reminds you of your dr. Makes you feel like you're there
-Imagine you are dancing with someone from your dr. Really feel like they are with you.
-Once the song is over they will say to you it's time to go home
-They will open a door and you will walk through and see a bright light
-Say affirmations until you feel like your there or you fall asleep

Sunni method
-Use all your senses. What do you smell? What do you hear? Is it cold or hot? Ask yourself questions like that to help.
-Then start to image your dr room or wherever your waking up.
-Once you start to feel symptoms start saying affirmations and fall asleep or open your eyes when you are ready.

Seggs method
*this method is more of fantasizing because it's easy to fantasize then visualize*
-Image you are having seggs with someone from your dr. This can last as long as you want, the details are all up to you ;)
-Then once your done they will ask you if your ready to go home. Then you'll take their hand and walk towards the door and feel the energy as you walk towards the door
-Once you open the door you will see your dr bedroom and you will lay down on your bed and go to sleep

Ocean method
-Imagine you are on the beach listening to music with someone next to you from your dr
-Feel the sand on your feet, smell the ocean air, use your senses
half way through the song the person next to you will get up and take you hand asking you if you are ready to go home
-You will take their hand and walk towards the water
-Once the song ends fall back into the water and repeat affirmations
-You will start to feel symptoms and see a bright light
-You will then go to sleep :)

There's more on Google if all of them don't work but I wish it's gonna work for y'all! Good luck! ❤️

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