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    "You guys should uhh, probably head home.. I can walk from here.. " Faith and Nichole look at me concerningly, Faith leans in closer to me and says lowly, "Are you sure?? I mean I don't have to go home right away I-"
"Yea I'm good, I promise.." 

Faith hugs me tight, "Alright... Be safe D, I mean it." I nod and Nichole and Faith head on their trail home. I walk up the steps, my dad still staring at me. I get to the porch, my dad stands up, and grabs the back of my neck. He whispers in my ear, "Good choice there girl, now get your ass inside. " He opens the door and shoves me inside. Unable to catch my balance, I fall, and hit my head on the stairs.

    Then the yelling starts. "NOW WHAT DAMN TIME DID I TELL YOU YOUR ASS HAD TO BE HOME BY?? " I quiver, "3- 3:30pm sir.. " "RIGHT, PLEASE TELL ME, WHAT GOD DAMN TIME IS IT? " I can feel the tears coming, but I still look at my watch, "4:29 sir.. " I can see the anger boiling up inside him, "SURE DAMN IS. NOW ARE YOU JUST GOD DAMN OUTRIGHT STUPID, OR DO I HAVE A REBELLIOUS LITTLE GIRL ON MY HANDS?? " I choke up, I can't speak. Whatever I say is just gonna get me in more trouble.

    "WELL? AREN'T I TALKIN TO YA? ANSWER ME GOD DAMNIT! " He throws his beer bottle, it breaks. Shards of the glass graze my skin. "I- I was trying to get home a quick as possible. The trail I usually go on had construction so I had to take an alternative.. " "You know what I hate more that bad little girls?? LYING LITTLE SKANKS." I feel the anger lunge out of me, "I'M NOT A LAIR. AND I NOT A SKANK. STOP. " I immediately hated myself, why can't I keep my fucking mouth shut....? just for once. He pulls me up by my shirt, and slaps me. "DO YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING TO? YOU'RE GONNA GET YOU'RE ASS BEAT FOR THAT ONE."

    My heart dropped to my stomach, god, please no, don't beat me. "PLEASE NONONONONO PLEASE DAD, DAD I DIDN'T MEAN IT I APOLOGIZE I'M SORRY I WON'T YELL AT YOU AGAIN PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME PLEASE." Although, I know my pleads for forgiveness won't do any help, it was worth a try. I hold onto the railing of the stairs for dear life. "GET THE HELL OFF THE STAIRS, IT'LL ONLY MAKE YOUR BEATING WORSE." I didn't budge. Maybe I could get away with holding onto the railings.... So once he went to get the switch, I could run for it. Better than just taking it..

    He gripped me by my hair, and pulled. Nope. Silly me thought I would be able to pull off an idea. Who the fuck do I think I am? Indiana Jones? I should've seen this coming. I got yanked off the railing, he continued to drag me down the hall. I'm limp, at this point, I have no energy. I wish he'd just kill me already.

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