Crashing A Sleepover

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You hummed as the smell of fresh bacon hit your face. Breakfast was your favorite meal of the day. It was fucking delicious! You laughed to yourself as you placed the cooked bacon on your plate. Making your way over to the table you set down your plate and took a seat. Grinning you took a forkful of scrabbled eggs and bacon and shoved it in your mouth. Chewing happily, you opened your laptop. Pulling up the Google browser you open your Gmail to check if you had any new notifications anything from your boss or work maybe an old friend. You sighed disappointedly seemed like it was nothing new. Frowning you continue to eat your scrambled eggs and bacon.
"Huh! Is that form Wattpad?" You asked, before clicking on the notification. It was form Wattpad and oh lord. Your face flushed as the page loaded. It was fanart of Russia and America, well the countryhuman version. Both males were shirtless and in a...well...weird position. You quickly shut the tab before covering your face with your hands. Oh god no. Why did you click it? You looked back at the closed laptop for a second before rubbing your eyes with your hands. You glared at the closed laptop before finishing up your food.
Stupid notifications. I sighed and stood up with my plate in hand. Making my way over to the kitchen, I left the plate in the sink and put on my shoes. Today was the day I get to see the old bunker. I had found it a few weeks ago and was going to explore it but my friends stopped me and said we should contact the police first. I didn't want to wait long but they finally said we could go! Well me, I don't think I will tell anyone yet. My friends a great and all but they would probably make a big deal and talk me out of going.
Smirking to myself I slip on my jacket and head on. After walking few an hour or two I made it to the bunker. Only to find Lex(me!) and GB(my brother!) standing there. I chuckled nervously as they stood there with the same smirk they usually wear. The twins looked at one another and laughed
"Oh shit you looked terrified" Lex shouted
"I know right! Look at her!" GB laughed as well. I frowned and crossed my arms.
"What are you doing here?" I asked the twins as I made my way to the bunker door. I reached over to open the door but Lex stopped me. He moved over and stood directly in-front of me. Both twins were tall but Lex was abnormally tall. He was 7'2 for fucks sake! GB was only 6'9.
"Child, we have a gift for you" he exclaimed
"A gift? And I'm not a child!"
"Oh but your so tiny and fragile!" GB spoke out from behind me. I rolled my eyes as both males chuckled.
"Right, here is you gift" Lex spoke out as he handed me a crystal ball, it was blue and purple. It remind me of the sky and the ocean. I looked at Lex, he watched as I held the ball in my hands. He watched as if I would disappear and never return. I looked over to GB who had the same sad expression.
"What's wrong? Why are you making that face" I questioned them. They looked lists for words.
"We're going home"
"I...we're sorry Y/n"
"You promised"
"We have no choice"
"Will I ever see you two again?"
GB got quite again. Lex and GB glanced between each other. GB opened his mouth to speak but Lex cut him off
"No." Lex said coldly. GB looked at him confused
"We weren't supposed to be here. We weren't supposed to meet you" He finished and turned around. He was facing the bunker door now.
"Well if this is our last moment together, let's make it our best!" He said trying to keep in his emotions in check, GB knew his brother was losing it, but he only smiled.
I smiled and nodded, our last memories together should be our happiest!
I watched as GB and Y/n walked into the bunker. GB glanced at me and nodded before following Y/n. My face with serious and emotionless. Our job was hard but I promised UN to return you home. I will do my job. This way is best, once we meet again Y/n, I will protect you my dear sister.

A few hours later.....

"Lex look, I found old files in the floor boards!"
"Oh! What do they say?!"
"Their in german I think.."
"Pass them over to GB"
I watched as GB carefully took the folder from Y/n, he starred at the files and pages. He frowned
" should have these Lex. Give them to Germs when you have the chance" GB handed me the files and went back over to Y/n.
I looked at the folder and opened, oh. I see why GB was so upset. It was a note form Third. Another one. He always left notes for people to find. Most were to Germany but occasionally there were some for me or USSR. I didn't know why. I shocked my head and placed the folder in my bag. I will end these to Germany later.
We spent a few hours looking around and playing. The bunker was large, it wasn't in bad condition either. We found a lot of stuff but the sun was setting. We had to leave.
As we packed up I noticed GB staring at her. He was upset, he didn't want to lose her again, neither did I but. No, it was better for her to learn the truth then be told.
"Goodbye Y/n, I will miss you" was all I said. I made my way back to the car. It would be a few months right? Only a few.

I hated goodbyes. I was never good at them. Never knew what to say, how to say it. I almost cried watching them leave, especially Lex. He was like a dad and older brother. No matter how hurt I felt, something told me I would see them again. I waved as their car pulled off. Leaving me here, alone.
I looked back up at the sky, it was sun down. How beautiful the sky was. I could only smile as the warm light faded into moon light. Sighing, I walked over to the bunker door, I placed my bag on my back and headed home.
The longer I walked the darker it got. The sky was back with white stars all across it. As the night came it only got colder. Oh it was freezing. How did it go from hot summer to cold winter night! I huffed and wrapped my arms around my body. I was lost wasn't I? Shit man! I frowned and sat down next to a tree. Pulling my bag into my lap in I searched through it to find that I never packed my sweater. But I swear I put it on this morning? I must have left it in Lex's car when we were packing up! How could u be so stupid to leave it!?
Leaning my head against the trunk of the tree I rested. I could get up in a second. I groaned when a blue purpleish color light flashed in my face from my bag. Looking down I opened the bag up only to see the crystal glowing. It was swirling around. How odd? What did the twins give me some type of science experiment? I picked up the orb as I slipped my bag over my shoulder.
I walked with the ball in my hand, it was warm and...comforting. It felt so familiar. I dont know maybe I saw it on tv(god damn Y/n ur dumb-). I smiled and tossed it back and forth between my hands. The colors moves as it the ball did. Maybe it was some type of liquid on there? I held it and observed it. What the hell could this be?
As I was walking I tripped. I fell face first as the crystal ball flew form my hands. It the ground and cracked. As it did, weird liquid pored out forming this strange puddle. I got up and dusted myself off before making my way over there. I grabbed the crystal and looked at it. It was cracked and hollow, meaning that whatever was in there is whatever that weird puddle was
"What the hell is this stuff?" I asked walking over to the puddle. It started moving slowly and got faster. I backed away or tried but and got faster. It was like a turnado. A huge gust of wind and I fell in. I held the crystal tightly as I shut my eyes. The world wet black and u get like I was under water. Holding my breath I held still hoping this wasn't real.

"What the hell is that?!"
"Is that a human?"
"No shit Meri"
"It's so cute!"
"How did it get here?"
"It legit fell form the sky."

All I could hear was voicing, a bunch with different accents. Weird? Where was I? I opened my eyes but the light was so bright I shut them. Groaning I tired to move only to feel an insane amount of pain. I coughed and tired to figure out where I was. All I heard was "What is happening? Oh god, are you okay child?!"

I blacked out....

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