Follow Me Through (Part Two)

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Peter is still staring at you, expecting an answer. You clap your hands together in front of you, rocking back on your heels as you try to think of some way to keep him from walking away. "You know what would be really helpful is if I, uh,-" Your voice trails off, but Peter's eyes clear. "Can I walk you around the city? It might be helpful to see if we can find your friend."

You smile in spite of yourself. "That sounds great, actually. Do you give guided tours to all the girls who accidentally mistake you for other people?" Peter gives a casual shrug. "Only the pretty ones." This bit of flirting, however small, still sounds so strange coming from your arch rival's mouth that you freeze slightly, warmth flooding to your cheeks. Peter sees your reaction and grins, slipping an arm around you to help guide you through the city but most likely to keep messing with you. Of course, if there's one thing about Peter that hasn't changed, it's his willingness to make trouble.

The two of you walk up streets and down blocks, talking all the while about this and that. You do your best to gently pry into how Peter arrived in the town, hoping for some clue about how to break the spell on his memory, but you get nowhere. He does mention that he doesn't actually live here in Westview, and instead dropped by to visit somebody. "I live with my twin sister now. That's her house, actually, right there." He points to a house you've just passed, with white columns lining the front porch and the number 2800 emblazoned near the door.

You tilt your head at him. "Twin sister?" Peter nods. "Yeah, her name's Wanda. She lives there with her husband and her kids." You nod, but your mind is racing. Since when has Peter had a twin sister? Also, how old would said twin sister have to be if she is married with children? Peter isn't old enough for that, so why would he be brought into this dimension to be a twin to someone far older than him? It makes no sense.

Peter turns to you as you continue walking. "Who's this guy you're meeting, anyway? Is he family too?" You start to shake your head, but your eyes go wide as you realize the enormity of your mission. "No, he's not family, just a friend. We were supposed to meet up so we could go home, but now-" You break off as you raise a hand to your forehead, emotions swirling. "Now I don't know where he is, I don't know how to bring him home, I don't know how to do anything. What am I doing here?"

Peter pulls you off of the sidewalk towards a small grove of trees clustered at the edge of a nearby park. He speaks to you again, his voice reassuring. "Hey, it can't be that bad, right? We'll find him eventually." You look away. Something about seeing Peter like this, all friendly and caring, seems so utterly wrong that it's making you even more upset. "It's not like that. I- I was supposed to bring him home, but at this point I don't know if I can do that. There are people counting on me, and I'm worried I'm going to let them down."

Peter reaches out, takes your hand. You're so stunned by this simple gesture that you let it happen. "I've just met you, Y/N, and I already know that it would be pretty hard for you to let people down. You're better than you realize. You can find your guy and bring him back." You finally turn back to Peter, looking deep into his eyes in the hopes of somehow reminding him of who he is, of breaking through the spell to reach the true memories of Peter Maximoff. "I'm trying, I just need him to let me find him first."

You silently beg him to remember, but Peter's gaze doesn't change. Instead, he just squeezes your hand comfortingly. "I think you can do it. Don't count yourself out so soon." You nod, feeling your spirits dampen. How are you supposed to break through to him? Xavier and the others hadn't counted on this. You weren't adequately prepared to reach through Peter's mind and pull out the boy you knew, especially when that boy wasn't likely to respond to you in the first place. You wish Jean were here so Peter might actually listen to her. Peter hates you, remember? Hearing your voice isn't likely to break him out of the spell.

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