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  " I am not eating THAT." I backed away from the wiggling rabbit, trying so desperately to free itself from Azhailse's grasp. " It's still alive."

" Well yeah, but I'm going to cook the thing." He replies as he sunk his teeth into its neck, after 30 seconds the adorable rabbit became unmoving and lifeless. My eyes widened as I witnessed a life flicker out before my eyes, for the first time. It's the circle of life. I've eaten meat before and that also came from an animal. I reasoned with myself.

" How, how did you kill it?" I curiously asked. He looked down at me while sliding his arm across his lips.

" I have venom in my teeth that enters into the animal's blood, painlessly killing it. But don't worry it can be cooked out." He reassured. " So it can still be consumed." I sighed in relief as I looked up at the sky, the sun shone brighter here then it did at my castle. It was around noon, and my stomach growled demanding food. Azhailse chuckled down at me and handed some wood into my hands.

" You could start a fire since you're so hungry. I'll skin the rabbit while you do." I turned away from him and placed the wood down in a sand pit, I placed some rocks around it and went to search for more wood. I went deeper into the woods, but not too far that I couldn't see the naga, and found some loose branches. I turned the opposite direction of where he was leading me but I didn't plan to go far.

" AITHNE PLEASE HELP ME!!, I'M STUCK!!!" Screams echoed through the forest, that sounded like Arabella! My feet moved before I could think, they pulled me to the noise, which for some reason sounded like it was moving farther from me. My hands shoved branches out of my path, earning a few scratches. Screams pierced my ears once again, branches seemed to lash out at me forcing me to stumble, but I kept going, I HAD to help Arabella. The leaves seemed to lose their colour the farther I went, turning from an emerald green to a murky brown. The branches seemed to grow sharper and more twisted, the once gorgeous blue sky seemed to dull knowing something was going to happen, something sad. Giggling echoed around me as my legs stopped inside a clearing my lungs gratefully swallowed air as I panted from all of the running.

" ARABELLA ARE YOU THERE?!" The giggles turned into cackles as I frantically looked around, a small creature sat behind me on a rotten log, it looked like it could fit into my palm, its wings looked alot like leaves and its smile was extremely sharp. Its mouth opened into a wicked toothy smile. My whole body froze at what came out.

" AITHNE PLEASE HELP ME I'M STUCK!!" Howls of laughter broke through the woods as my heart dropped, eyes widened as a swarm of them circled around me. "PLEASE HELP I'M STUCK, AITHNE I'M DYING, AITHNE" Her voice erupted from their monstrous mouths out of sync, I dropped to the ground covering my ears.

"Please stop." The smallest whisper was all I could muster as their taunts grew louder, their mouths widening as they latched onto my body, I tried to swat them away, I tried to raise my arms but they felt like they were buried underneath boulders, my legs felt like gelatin as I stumbled onto my back. Blood seeped through gouges in my skin, laughter seeped into my brain until I joined them, tears streamed down my face as unstoppable cackles erupted from my mouth. I felt bones crunch on top of me but they weren't mine, I lifted my head to see a blurry image of raven hair and a tall lean body beating the little gremlins with a stick and stomping on the ones that fell to the ground. My cackling soon turned into silence as my body laid slumped on the dead grass, my eyes slowly shut as I looked at all the blood I had lost. It glistened on my hands and arms like velvet gloves.


I hope everyone had a great April fools day!! Thank you for reading my story, I'm having so much fun :) Until next time have a great day!!!

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