C h a p t e r 1 1

4 1 5

 Light flooded into my eyes blinding me for a moment, I groggily looked at the elf and naga, their faces contorted in worry, a blanket was laid on top of me and a canteen of water rested against the familiar cave wall. I slowly sat up and glanced at my bandaged arms and legs. I looked at the two men as the elf leaned against the wall on the opposite side and Azhailse sat at my side a bloody cloth in his hand, sharp nails curled around it.

" Hey are you okay?" He asked calmly as he washed the towel, I opened my mouth to answer but pain shot through my throat, I closed it and nodded my head as I reached for the canteen. " That's good then I have one more question. WHY DID YOU GO SO FAR INTO THE WOODS, I TOLD YOU IT'S DANGEROUS!" Anger filled his tone as he glared into the bucket. I took a chug of the water and sat it down.

" I'm sorry, I thought I heard Arabella, I thought she was hurt." I quietly explain. Why was he so angry with me, we only just met, I thought to myself. I glanced over to the raven haired elf as he fiddled with his ear, he looked towards me and sighed.

" The little squirt is safe, she is with my friends. We left when the guards took you back to the castle, I didn't want her to be found again." He explained " I can bring you with me when I go back." My eyes lit up at his words. Thank GOD she was safe, I let out a sigh of relief. A cold damp cloth was placed onto my head, I winced a bit as I brought my hand up to hold it.

" What were those things?" My words cracked as I looked at Azhailse and the tall raven haired man.

" They're called mimics, if they hear a voice they can mimic that and make them say anything. They love playing tricks on people, they won't intentionally kill anyone they just get way too excited over a new "friend"." The elf explained before Azhailse could answer, glaring at him.

" Then why would they bite me?" I questioned because if they thought of me as a "friend" why would they puncture my skin?.

" Maybe they were hungry, and a tiny, gullible girl would be a perfect meal." The snake teased while fake lunging at me. I jumped and giggled which put a smile on both of their faces. After a bit of teasing and having short conversations I looked out of the cave entrance only to see pitch black.

" How long was I out for?" I raised an eyebrow looking at the two men.

" About a day." They reply in unison which pisses off the elf.

" Oh my gosh!" I exclaim "I keep forgetting to ask you your name!" The amethyst eyed elf looks at me and lets out a little chuckle.

" Oh, it's Jaakobah" He answers, his eyes emitting a slight glow.

" That's a pretty cool name." I compliment. I stretch my arms as I stand up, pain shoots through them but soon vanishes, I sigh and try to walk out of the cave. My legs wobble just a bit as I looked up at the moon, it was full and it illuminated the cooling night. I remember making wishes upon it when I was younger, looking up from my balcony, wishing I could one day see the other world, I smiled at how it became a reality.

I closed my eyes and made another wish, I opened my emerald and soil eyes, a slight smile tugged at my lips as I headed back to the two confused men.

" What was that all about?" Azhailse tilted his snowy head, some strands of hair falling over his face.

" I was just making a wish" I replied as I reached for his brush.

" What did you wish for" Jaakobah questioned as he slid down the wall and sat down, his raven hair flowing with him.

" If I told you it wouldn't come true." I giggled as he muttered about if he made a wish he would tell me. He reminded me of a child, it was a little cute.

" It is night out, we should probably get to sleep." The naga said, I yawned when he did, my body needed more rest so I just laid back down in my initial spot and closed my eyes. I could hear his tail slink closer to me and wrap around my floppy body, becoming a scaly blanket, he set himself a little distance from me as I fell asleep. The elf didn't sleep that night he stood frozen as he looked into the night. 

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