Part 17 - Jay's POV

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(Hufflepuff Common Room) (Jay's Pov)


As the Hufflepuffs hop out of the tunnel that leads to the Hufflepuff common room, Jay pulls Sadie aside from the rest. "Come to the library with me?" "What? Why?" She asks. "You know I'm not exactly excelling at my classes."

"Because... uh, shit. You'll see when we get there." Jay explains.

Sadie raises her eyebrow. Jay groans.

"I'll tell you when there aren't as many ears around, alright?"

"Oh! Okay." Sadie nods.

When the Hufflepuffs that spend their evenings in the common room come in, Sadie and Jay make their great escape.

"If we're actually going to the library, I am going pissed," Sadie says she takes Jay's hand. He helps her out from the Hufflepuff entrance.

"Don't worry, you've taught me well. We're meeting up with a few of my friends at the lake." "

Sade nods and giggles, "I've taught you well Young Padawan."

"Did... you just make a Star Wars reference?" Jay asks.

"Of course, my Dad's a muggle. Remember?"

Justin watches them leave, jealousy that he can't explain rises up in him.


(Time skip)

(Black Lake)


"Heyo!" Jay yells, running down the hill to meet up with the others.

He catches his breath for a moment, "This is Sadie, she's also a Hufflepuff" Sadie gives a quick wave, then glances to the three-quarter moon rising in the distance. "Sorry we're late, we almost ran into Filch getting out here."

"Yeah, same here." Says Vyla, standing in between Draco and Amelia.

Draco looks at Jay and gives the fakest most forced smile Jay had ever seen. Vyla instantly notices, she awkwardly pats his back.

"Alright, keep up Sadie," Jay says as he points to each person in the group. "That's Draco Malfoy, he is our resident daddy issues. The one with multicolor hair is Vyla. The girl next to her, that's Ameilia. The one with really frizzy hair is Valentine..." Jay gets to a couple faces he doesn't know. Guy twins with red hair who look a bit mischievous.

Malfoy scowls upon being introduced as the one with resident daddy issues.

"I'm sorry, we haven't met. What's your names?" He asks.

Valentine becomes a little surprised. "Oh, I forgot to introduce you guys. Everyone, these two are Fred and George."

The twins say hello and smile to everyone.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Fred and George." Jay sends a polite smile to the two.

"Heyo!" Sadie smiles deviously and sends them a two fingered salute.

She leans into Jay, "Turns out your friends aren't total nerd-bombers like you." Jay jabs her in the side.

Sadie moves over to Vyla, "Hello there, lovely. Your name is Vyla right?"

Vyla simply arches her eyebrow and grins softly.

"You got it." She says smoothly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sadie smiles and stretches her hand out.

Amelia leans over to Malfoy's side as Vyla takes Sadie's hand. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Malfoy shakes his head and scowls. "No, but whatever it is, I do not like it."

Vyla chuckles to herself. She and Sadie shake hands and Vyla nods to the blondie.

"Pleased to meet you as well." She hums.

Sadie slides over to Malfoy, "Draco Malfoy?" She spits out, "I've heard a few words about you. Not all of them are very kind. If I were you, I'd be very concerned about my reputation right about now..".

Jay's cheeks burn, of everyone to do this too, you choose Malfoy?"

Malfoy looks Sadie up and down. He's furious.

"Excuse me??" He hisses.

"I've heard of your family and your father, and I don't approve of the horrible things they've done." She growls, "But I'm giving you a chance, do not disappoint me."

Malfoy steps away from Sadie and closer to Vyla, "I do not like her." Anything but subtle.

Sadie clicks her tongue, "And last but not least, Amelia. It's nice to meet you." Amelia nods to Sadie, holding her book a little tighter to her chest, and avoids Sadie's reach.

Sadie saunters back to Jay's side, "You promised me excitement, what are we here for?"

Vyla perks up, "You didn't tell her?" She sighs, "Amature. We're going to find out why the 'Forbidden Forest' is so forbidden." She grins deviously.

Sadie shares a similar grin, "Fantastic, I can't wait."

Valentine steps up, "Are you blind or did you just forget about me?"

Sadie yelps, "I'm so sorry. Valentine right? And no, I'm not blind." Sadie laughs and shakes Valentine's hand.

"Alright losers," Vyla starts, "Enough pleasantries, and let's go!" Everyone mutters some sort of agreeance and creates small groups. Vyla in front with Draco and Ameila by her sides. Jay and Sadie follow quickly behind them, and finally the twins and Valentine at the back.

"Off we march, here we go!"

Chants Vyla, marching when no one else is, when no one joins her, she continues the chant herself, "To the forbidden-woods we go!"

Malfoy rolls his eyes and scoffs.

Jay giggles a bit, then turns. "I hope you don't mind hanging out with these weirdos."
"Are you kidding? They're amazing, a whole group of people as 'troublesome' as me? I'm loving it!" Sadie says.

Amelia looks back at Sadie and sends her a friendly smile.

"At least you're getting a kick out of this."

"And you aren't??" Vyla teases.

"No! We're going into the FORBIDDEN woods! You know what could happen if we get caught?"

"Expulsion!!" Vyla perks cheerfully.

"Exactly!!" Hisses Amelia. 

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