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 In a library type of room filled with bookshelves and Pens and paper strewn across a table. In Chair by that table we see a man. This man has Brown hair and piercing gold eyes. On his back are black wings that spread out looking leathery like a bat. In his hands is a book with a demon circle on it. He looks directly at the reader (he is the man up top)

(Belphegor's P.O.V)

  I open the book also hello everyone here. By everyone I mean the Readers I know your their. Well since your here already why don't I tell you a story specifically the story of my father. 

  It all started a long time ago so long ago that even heaven hadn't been built yet, but it was about to. See a man named God manifested in the universe when it was only a white void. He foolishly believed he was the ultimate being when In fact he wasn't. You see we came to learn about the multiverse and the omniverse and with them their own universe.

  Anyways that's off topic so the man started by creating a group of seven super powerful beings of which we only know the names of four the others having been lost to time. Despite how powerful they were God Didn't give them free will. These seven beings each made a hundred angels each of which were under their control or well God's control.

 God used this legion of angels to build this world for him. First a sun was made that is very much like our own. They have two moons which are very different from our own. one of these moons is purple the other is blue making the night sky a bright blend of these two colors. Their grass are beautiful gold and their there trees are white with gold leaves. Lastly their water is a clean crystal emerald green.

  After their world was born that God named heaven he decided it was time to build his home. Like his ego it was huge with four story's and about three and a half million squire feet. The walls are made of white marble and the windows are white stained. Their are gold accents that make the house beautiful. his backyard is three hundred and seventy five acres. it is circled by a fifty foot wall and the back left fifteen acres are made of small marble houses where butlers and maids and all the other people who work in his castle live. Their is a twisting river that travels through the middle of the backyard and a giant forest to the left side.

  After everything else he decided he wanted to try something this experiment was one that would eventually become his downfall. He decides to give them a very limited amount of free will and they build a city with gold brick streets and houses and shops lining the streets. angels got together and had kids despite all this they were still mostly controlled by god what they did each day got decided for them. Who they loved god decided that. who they are as a person or angel god decided that too.

Despite this it gave god a desire he wanted a kid he could call his own so he started to create. The kid had four pairs of white feather wings and piecing gold eyes like a lot of angels. He Wore a simple white T-shirt and some blue jeans. he had white hair that glowed lightly. he was about fifteen in age at least physically. When he went to breathe life into his son whom he named Lyrax most of his power was copied and transferred to his son and he wouldn't realize it till later on this was the moment his fate was sealed. This made his son incredibly powerful and he has freewill as well being the only other being at this point that has it.

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