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Character explanation.

Ayomide Idris:
She is a 21 year old girl,the last child of her family,she is seeing as the main  character.she is a beautiful girl who has no faults or flaws,she's the daughter of  Idris mark and Esther Idris and also a sister to Hellen Idris and Charles Idris,she is an accountant in a very big bank but has no lover neither a relationship.

Hellen Idris:
A 25 year old girl who goes into fashion designing,she is the second child, she spends time chasing after guys with her money,she is the daughter of Idris mark and Esther Idris, also a sister to Ayomide Idris and Charles Idris.

Idris mark:
A very wealthy man who has pride and dignity,owns various estates and companies from his exporting business,he is married to a beautiful and prominent woman who he loves and cares for. he is the father to Ayomide Idris, Hellen Idris, Charles Idris.

Charles Idris:
A very handsome man in his thirties who cares so much about his looks,he goes into graphic designing and also becomes a well known Engineer because of his father's wealth but struggles his way to his achievements on his own,he is the first and only son of Idris mark and Esther Idris and a brother to Ayomide Idris and Hellen Idris who he protects and loves so much.

Esther Idris:
A beautiful and prominent woman who works as a manager in one of her husbands company,a loving wife and caring mother to both her husband Idris mark and children Ayomide Idris,Hellen Idris and Charles Idris.

Precious Raphael:
She is an 18 year old girl who drops out of school and becomes a prostitute, she is also known for dancing at bars to get money followed with her prostitution work,she is rude and stern to her mother, she is the daughter of Dorcas Rachael who laments every day about her daughter's life style and behavior's.

Dorcas  Raphael:
She is a widow,mother of precious Raphael who repents from prostitution but still has her eyes on the road searching for  young promising men,she frequently laments about her daughter's behavior and life style as she does not want her to become like her in any way.

David Adewale:
A handsome 27 year old man who struggles to make ends meet but goes after young girl's, he is a graphic designer, he also paints and produces jewelries.he is the son of Grace Adewale and brother to Walter Adewale.

Walter Adewale:
A hot 18 year old boy who girls crumble for, he studies theartre art in the University as he has the vision to become an actor in future, he is a respectful but withdrawn person who doesn't socialize much because of his father's death and the way he died.he is the son of Grace Adewale and brother to David Adewale.

Grace Adewale:
She is a widow who lost her husband at an early stage but is still rich,she a pathetic woman who cares less about her children,she goes around spending and flaunting her late husband's money anyhow but never deprives her children from money as she sends them money regularly because she she doesn't stay at home, she owns a bank and an estate which she was willed to by her husband, she is the mother of David and Walter Adewale.

Samuel Williams:
A handsome  30 years old man who  respects and cares for his Dad even with the bad things he has done but doesn't depend on him in anyway because of how his father gets his money and the sacrifices he does to get his money, he stands independently and becomes a Lawyer  and also works in an insurance company which earns him much. He is forced by his father to join the black axe confraternity but bluntly refused his father's request.

William George:
An extremely wealthy man who uses his wife and mother to get money with the means of ritual,He joins the black axe confraternity and owns a lot of houses, cars,estates and companies around the world at large,he tries to lure his son into joining the confraternity but fails woefully as his son refused his offer,he is the father of Samuel Williams his first and only son.

Rose Zoella:
She is a beautiful 12 year old girl who is admired by all who come across her and is also a respectful, kind and straight forward girl, she has the ambition of becoming a doctor,she learns how to dance bally in a bally school, she comes top in all her exams and tests and is wiser and more intelligent than all her pears, she is the  daughter of Stella Zoella and sister of  Jessica Zoella.

Jessica Zoella:
A young and beautiful 18 year old girl who is studying to become a nurse and also makes a little money from hair dressing which she does as a minor job,she is easily taking aback by handsome guys, she is the daughter of Stella Zoella and big sister to Rose Zoella.

Stella Zoella:
A widow who is God fearing and religious but makes out time to keep herself and her wardrobe in good shape, she cares and loves her children, she teaches them moral and religious values,she also works as a manager in her late husband's company and also runs a hair dressing salon where her daughter also works and earns salaries weekly,she is mother of Rose Zoella and Jessica zoella.

Kelvin Kingsley:
He is a handsome hardworking man who acts as a parent to his sister Rosemary Kingsley, he struggles to make ends meet in order to take care of his sister as he doesn't want to break the promise he made to his late parents to take care of her, he is a very strict and responsible man who works as an importer and exporter to both local and foreign countries and supplies goods  for various companies which earns him a lot of money, he also works as an inspector of murder cases which makes him too busy to think of marriage or even going into a relationship.

Rosemary Kingsley:
A young beautiful but outgoing girl who is an orphan but is taken care of by her elder brother Kelvin Kingsley,she studys in the university to become a doctor because of how her parents died, she is  a charming and intelligent girl who every one loves, she is also a face model on Instagram and also wishes to become the world most beautiful model which she brags about to her brother.

Hi,lovely readers I appreciate you all for staying with me till this part of the story,please feel free to vote and comment on each and every chapter😍❤.

Before I live I wanted to ask, who is your best character please give me feedbacks thanks, stay in touch😉.

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