Of course {Part 3}

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It is your day off of streaming, it's also Tommy's day off. Tommy asks you if you want to meet up with Wilbur, Tubbo, and Phil. You say yes. Once all of you meet up you decided to go to an arcade. At the arcade you meet some fans and take pictures with them

Tommy: Where's Tubbo?

Tubbo: I'm right behind you dumbass. You know I might be short but I'm not that short.

y/n: Tubbo, you do realize that I'm shorter than you. And I'm older than you

Tubbo: True

It gets late and you guys are heading home now when all of you get dm's from Dream
You read it out loud

Dream: Hello Dream smp members/ siblings of members! Sapnap, George, and I were talking and George brought up the idea of a meet up. Sapnap and I think it's a great idea. Dm me back if you're in.  
Phil, Tubbo, and Wilbur dm him back.
y/n: Tommy I'm in, are you?

Tommy: Yea I'm in but we have to ask mum

y/n: True

Phil drops you and Tommy off first, you and Tommy go inside and show motherinnit the dm

Motherinnit: Of course you guys can go. But when is it and how long will it last?  

Tommy: I think it lasts for 2 weeks 

y/n: But the meet up is next week

Motherinnit: Ok, you can go.

y/n and Tommy: Thank you!!! 

You and Tommy dm Dream back, saying you can go

Tommy goes to his room and starts packing and you go to your room to start packing
Out of curiosity you message Quackity to see if he's going

y/n: Hi Quackity, are you going to the meet up?

Q: Yeah, are you?

y/n: Yeah, mum is letting me and Tommy go.

Q: That's nice to hear, but I have to finish packing. So I'll talk to you later. 

y/n: Same and talk to you later! Byeeeee

Q: Byeeeee

You finish packing and you go and discuss plane tickets with Tommy.  After you are done talking to Tommy about the plane tickets you ask him if he knows who is all coming.

Tommy: So far the only people that I know are coming are, Me, you, Dream, Sapnap, George, Karl, Jack, Phil, Wilbur, Tubbo, Niki, Puffy, Ranboo, Punz, Technoblade, and Fundy. 

y/n: I was talking to Quackity and he said he was coming too.

Tommy: Ok. 

You end up going to bed early that night because you were tired from the arcade.

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