The meet up {part 5}

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Time Skip

You and Niki meet up with Quackity and everyone else that got there the night before and Niki tells them that Karl, Sapnap, Punz, Puffy, Ranboo, Techno are with Dream at the place he told you to meet him at.

Time Skip (again)
You all arrive and look for everyone.
Niki: Guys they're over here. Look because there is Mr. Enderman in real life
Everyone: Ok let's go over
y/n: helloo
Everyone that you haven't met before: hello, are you Tommy's sister?
Tommy: Yes, this is my annoying ass sister.
Tommy: I said what I said
y/n: you're a bitch.
everyone: laughing their ass' off

Then you see someone slightly move behind Dream....... Then she pops her head out from behind him...

y/n: DRISTA?!?!?!?!?!!
Dream: Yea, she wouldn't shut up about wanting to meet everyone
Drista: YEP IT'S ME!!!
Ranboo: But the way you introduced yourself
Tubbo: anyway what were you saying Dream? Something about a challenge?
Dream: Yea. Sapnap you want to explain it?
Sapnap: Sure. OK so we found an abandoned hospital near us, like 7-8 miles away from where we are right now. And so Dream, Drista, and I before we got here we explored it and it is perfect for tag.
Karl: So, technically speaking.... It's like the Mr. Beast tag video?
Dream: Yes, but if you win.... you get nothing. So are we thinking teams or no?
Drista: How about we think about that when we get there
George: Agreed

You all get there and beside that there are going to be teams.
Phil: Ok there's 18 people here so we could do this 2 ways
1) 9 teams of 2
2) 2 teams of 9

Y/n: Sapnap, you have a coin?
Sapnap: yea
Y/n: heads or tails? Heads is 9 of 2, tails is 2 of 9. I say heads
Sapnap: Tails

Phil: any idea of teams?
Ranboo: I have idea
1. Quackity, Fundy
2. Sapnap, Techno
3. Phil, Karl
4. Y/n, Jack
5. Niki, Puffy
6. Drista, George
7. Punz, Tommy
8. Wilbur, Dream
9. Me(Ranboo), and Tubbo

Puffy: That's actually good pair ups. Good job memory boy
y/n: But who's going to "hunt"?
Punz: Tommy and I can count.
Tommy: Yea, we'll give you 3 minutes
Fundy: Ok.

You all scatter and fine places to hide.
Jack: So, where are we thinking of hiding?
y/n: Idk, either on the roof or inside somewhere
Jack: ok
y/n: wait pause...
Jack: what? what's up??
y/n: I think I hear people on the roof....
Jack: I don't know let's go up.
y/n: ok.

Once on the roof you hear Karl, Phil, Drista, and George. they sound like they are discussing a game plan and or a suggest to team up.

Drista: oh, shoot I hear someone.

Phil: ok, everyone shut the heck up

Jack: y/n, looks like we are not the only people who took the roof tactic.

Karl: Ohmygod, you scared us. We thought that you two were Tommy and Punz.
y/n: sorry
George: Nah, it's good.
y/n: I think we are going to go back and hide somewhere inside
Jack: Yea. Good luck guys
Drista, George, Phil, Karl: Thanks, good luck to you too

You and Jack are running in a hallway and pass what looks to be a waiting room with Tubbo and Ranboo sitting in there. then you just barely hear Tubbo say
Tubbo: Oh my fucking god, who did we get found first?
Ranboo: Idk, anyway Jack, y/n.... Good luck
Jack: Thanks, and sorry you got out first
Jack: SHIT
Punz: Fuck we can't let them slip away.
Tommy: Too late we already lost them

Running out of breath you and Jack run into Wilbur, Dream, Quackity, and Fundy.
y/n: Don't go that way, Punz and Tommy are over there. Me and Jack were able to slip away,
Dream: Ok, have you seen Drista and George?
Jack: Last time we saw them, they were on the roof with Phil and Karl.
Wilbur: Ok.

They run....... Not after almost 10 minutes after running away from Punz and Tommy, Jack's phone started going off....... It's Punz. He puts it on speaker
Punz: In the cafeteria we have put out water bottles for everyone.... And we are most defiantly in the cafeteria. *hangs up*
Jack: They are most defiantly in the cafeteria
y/n: Yea true. But we really need water. Let's wait for 5 minutes then go to the cafeteria.
Jack: Good idea.

Another time skip (sorry)
Times closing in, there are 2 teams left
y/n and Jack. And Drista and George.

Jack and you decide to go and change your hiding spot. As you two are doing that you fell someone tap your shoulder....
Tommy: Sorry, you two are out.
Punz and Tommy take you two back without reveling who they just found...
Punz: Looks. Like that....... JACK AND Y/N ARE OUT
Tommy: THAT MEANS GEORGE AND DRISTA HAVE WON! y/n would you like to do the honor and call George to tell them that him and Drista just won?
y/n: sure.

You call George and he picks up within 3 rings
George: Yes y/n?
y/n: You and Drista, just won hide and seek with the Dream Smp members and siblings!
George & Drista: WAIT, WHAT?!?!? NO WAY
y/n: It's true, come to the waiting room near the ER entrance...

3 minutes later you hear George and Drista laughing

Dream: Ok, It's getting late we should head back to the house/ hotel
Jack and Techno: Yea, it's late

As Phil is driving back to the hotel everyone is talking about how much fun they had playing hide and seek. You end up falling asleep with your head on Quackity's shoulder.
Phil: Ok, we're back
Quackity: Their dead asleep.
Tommy: y/n, we are back at the hotel.
y/n: *wakes up* oh, ok.
Quackity: looks like someone's tired
y/n: yeah

You guys go back up to your rooms and you pass out on your bed and Niki stays up for a little while longer.

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