teaser 1

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The scene opens in a destroyed and desolated city buildings were crumbling and falling apart blasted out shells of destroyed cars littered the abandoned streets fires were burning everywhere filling the area with smoke and blocking out the sun

In the mids of this a team made up of 5 people were seen at what appears to be a safe zone of sorts

4 of the people were soldiers wearing advanced armor and holding advanced weapons the fifth member was a scientist wearing a special suit to help breath in the smoke filled environment

Soon gunshots were heard and all 4 soldiers were firing at...something as the scientist spoke revealing herself to be female

Female scientist: we watched as the hord overran our best defences that our forces could muster...

The scene changed to 2 of the soldiers shooting at what seems to be creatures made out of solid rock

Upon death the monsters crumbled to the ground one of the soldiers gave his comrade a thumbs up

But before the second soldier could return the thumbs up he was rushed and knocked out by what seems to be a small demon with yellowish tan skin sharp teeth pointy ears and claws on its fingers

The demon quickly created a fireball and threw it at the 1st soldier who prepared himself to shoot the demon knocking him into nearby debris

Female scientist: it was useless...

The scientist was seen running to a nearby door which was guarded by soldiers 3 and 4

Female scientist: they moved to quickly...

As they were shooting soldier 3 was unaware that a gargoyle like monster was flying towards him when he did it was too late as the gargoyle grabbed him and flew him away

Female scientist: they had no regard for their own...

Soldier 4 quickly went into the same building as the scientist entered

Female scientist: they were willing to sacrifice their own to get to the heart...

The soldier sight in relief as the scientist put her hands on her gas mask

Female scientist: of our world...

However in the dark tunnel in front of the two a roar could be heard

The 4 soldier moved to shoot down the hallway but was quickly met by a fireball to the face knocking him out as well

Female scientist: we slaughtered thousands and millions more followed...

A growl was heard promoting the scientists to look into the darkness only to see a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring back at her

A demon similar to the one who knocked out soldier 1 and 2 jumped out of the darkness and lunged at the scientist

Female scientist: but then...

The scientist quickly moved her hands up in a defensive way preparing to be hit

Female scientist: he came...

Before the demon could harm the scientist a figure suddenly appeared and punched the demon sending it into a wall

As the demon fall it dissolved into a pile of ask the figure then stood up

The unknown savior was physically shorter then the soldiers and scientist but taller then the small demon he wore what seems to be black armor made out of a armored grey bodysuit with additional heavy armored breastplate shoulder pads gauntlet's and boots which were coloured black

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