trailer 1

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???: the beginning of it all was rather interesting

The scene showed a bunch of gangsters talking in front of a van

???: you always need to be on your feet

The next scene shows a group of armored people with swords surrounding 3 young boys 2 the age of 10 and one the age of 8 all 3 were wearing combat armor

???: cause evil lurks around every corner and even if you defeat it you need to stay on guard...

The scene then showed 5 new figures a man in biker gear a armored man with a giant red x on his chest armor and helmet and 3 new boys age 9 one was wearing black armor with red highlights one was wearing red clothes with grey armor and another was wearing a black bodysuit and yellow armor with lightning symbols

???: cause who knows what you may find

The scene then changed to a kukri knife getting sharpened

???: you will have to fight...

One of the heroic boys could be seen kicking a gang member in the face

The one of the armored men with a sword was kicked into a crate

The the boy in red fell onto the ground quickly got up and ran

???: my name is Steven Marek...

The scene then showed a black armored figure staring out into a city

Steven: but you know me as...

The figure then locked down before jumping down

Steven: the shadow

                       The beginning


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