On the Brink of Life and Death

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José clutched so tightly to the wrestling ropes that his feathers had begun to feel numb. He had started to warm up to adventuring, but when they had arrived at Mexico and had gotten the news that Panchito was apparently the Messenger of Life, a twisted feeling had started to build up in José's gut. This feeling had gotten worse and made him feel slightly nauseous when they learned that Panchito, as the Messenger of Life, was supposed to fight with Sheldgoose, the supposed Messenger of Death.

José had known that Panchito was a skilled wrestler, and the rooster himself seemed unconcerned, but José couldn't help but be nervous enough for the both of them. He was confident that Panchito could win, but that didn't stop him from worrying anyways.

Before the beginning of the final round, José learned exactly why he should have been nervous about the wrestling match. It wasn't just a fight. Everybody expected it to be a fight to the death.

At this new revelation, José's concern for his friend got so bad that he felt like he couldn't breath. José knew Panchito well enough to know that he was far too kind and honorable to even consider taking somebody else's life, even without the 'luchador oath'. They had thought of a strategy that might allow all of them, including both Sheldgoose and Panchito, to walk out of there alive. The strategy could work...so why couldn't José shake the feeling that things were about to go horribly wrong?

Their plan had gone well for a few moments. Panchito had been able to get Sheldgoose into a tight hold. All he had to do was keep his opponent in this grip for a few minutes until time ran out, and everything would be fine.

Of course, this was where everything had to take a turn for the worst.

"Leopold, give Mommy to Daddy!" Sheldgoose cried out desperately. It seemed like a meaningless phrase of insanity. José had been ready to push it to the back of his mind, but then the horrible creature, Leopold, had picked up the staff that contained the spirit of Felldrake and thrown it to Sheldgoose.

This in and of itself could be considered cheating, as a staff, whether it was possessed or not, had no place in a wrestling match. But this wasn't just any staff, it was a staff that was possessed by a very powerful, very dangerous sorcerer. A sorcerer who had made it clear that he wanted the three of them dead, and now had the opportunity to accomplish at least a third of that goal.

"Panchito, watch out!" José shouted. He had done his best to watch the match in silence, as he didn't want to distract Panchito from the fight. When José saw the eyes of Felldrake's staff glow purple with magic and power, he couldn't stay silent. Not when his friend was in danger.

Panchito's eyes widened as he looked up just in time to see Sheldgoose catch the staff. Sheldgoose laughed wickedly as he twisted in Panchito's grip enough to swing the staff towards him. For one hopeful moment José thought that Sheldgoose would just whack Panchito in the head with the staff. That hope was shattered when, just before the staff would have hit Panchito, he released the magic that had been built up.

"No!" José watched in horror as Panchito was hit straight on by Felldrake's power. The force sent the scrawny rooster flying. Panchito crash landed on the ground outside of the ring. José wasn't familiar with the rules of wrestling, so he didn't know if this counted as a loss or a penalty, but at that moment he didn't care. The only thing that José cared about was that his friend wasn't moving.

"Panchito!" José ran to his friend, not caring if that was against the rules or not. Sheldgoose had used magic in a wrestling match, so José was pretty sure the rules were moot at that point. José was vaguely aware of Xandra and Donald yelling furiously behind him, though considering Donald had been focused on Daisy all day, he doubted that the duck was upset for the reason that he probably should be. Normally Donald's questionable priorities would irritate José, but he had other things to worry about at the moment.

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