Pit Madness (3)

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Third pov

Marinette can't tell time very well.

She can tell what time it is if she looks at a clock, but if you ask her what she did the day before then her head doesn't make any difference between a week, a month and a day.

What she does know without question is that she makes others uneasy.

Especially when she starts to discreetly look into more things than Talia tells her.

The few that recognizes what she's doing aren't quite brave enough to say anything. Not when she's wearing the attire for the pit mad people.

It takes time.... She thinks. But she does get sent out on a mission with two others.

It's a good thing. More people than that would just piss her off.

She's killed several people since she woke up, but she can't remember why it's supposed to be a bad thing.

She knows it is a bad thing, but.... memories are hard.

And whenever some memories or feelings of deja-vu press close, almost to the point of making themselves known, her mind just, closes off.


The superhero/vigilante world doesn't hear anything about the resurrected Ladybug for a few months.

Then Talia decides to strike against her former lover and son, and she sends her favourite pawn.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng is ruthless as she fights with Nightwing, the man barely has the time to keep up.

She's fast and packs rather hard hits.

"Wing, you can't hold back on her!" Red Hood yells before he lands on the same roof as them.

Nightwing parries an attack and hits the girl with an escrima stick to the side.

She doesn't even seem to feel it.

She does feel the kick that Hood places on her back though. It sends her flying.

While she's getting up Hood tells Nightwing the plan. "Do not hold back but don't go for lethal. If we can knock her out then we can take her to the reinforced cell."

The particular cell he was talking about had been built to hold Bane at his worst.

"Alright. Let's do this."

Time skip

The girl had kept them occupied for the better part of two hours before Red Robin got an in and threw a set of electric disks that knocked her out.

Two sets of reinforced cuffs and a sedative later she was secure in the cell and Talia had, once again, been run out of Gotham.

"So this is Dupain-Cheng."

She was currently not looking very good. At all. She is still in her League uniform, stripped off weapons and looks like she really needs a shower.

She's also on her way to waking up.

Jason stays by the cell while the others go to shower.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Talia's newest soldier.....

He shakes his head with a bitter feeling and continues watching Dupain-Cheng-

- only to see two vibrant green eyes watching him back.

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