Chapter 2

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"Hey, Cam," Carson greeted as he stood up from his seat on the steps.

I still couldn't stop staring at the beauty before me named Cameron Asher (drool), hopefully subtly. He couldn't possibly get more attractive. There were sleeves tattoos on both of his arms that were actually really cool. I wish I could get sleeves, but then people would see them and I'd be subject to rumors. And then (as if that's not enough) people would start snooping into my business blah blah blah. Don't need and don't want that kind of publicity.

As he walked over to Cameron (or should I call him Cam?) Carson flashed me an amused smile and slightly shook his head. Guess I wasn't so subtle after all.

They did their bro hug thing just as Carson's phone began to ring.

"Hey, uhm, I've got to take this," he muttered as he began to ascend down the concrete stairs.

"Do you always check out his friends or is it just me?" Cam asked as he turned to me. The blush spread across my cheeks even though I tried to fight it which was evident in his smirk. "Oh, honey. The saying may be 'fresh meat' but that doesn't mean you're supposed to eat it." He leaned close and added in a whisper, "But you still can if you want to."

By now he had successfully made me look like a tomato. Nice going, face."Uh," I stuttered still fixated in his gaze. I don't even know why I was so caught up. Yeah, he was attractive. Big deal. So was Carson and I never even gave him a second glance. Ugh. Damn hormones.

"Awe. Oh my gosh, I actually render you speechless. I've never done that to a girl before. Done it to a few guys, but never a girl. Sure they've been shy but they've always been able to form a coherent response. Ohmygosh, that's so cute," he rambled looking down at the ground. With wide eyes he looked up at me. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Which part?" I smirked at him.

A tinge of pink appeared on his cheeks and he looked away. Awe. Now that's cute. "You know which part," he muttered, turning toward the steps.

I took a step forward and folded my arms around his waist, turning him back around. His eyes widened and he glanced down at me, a smirk appearing on his full lips. His arms snaked underneath of mine and he leaned his head on my shoulder. Damn he smelled good.

"Alright, strangers, I hate to say this but I just wasted all of your time on the phone. So, get cho asses back to class," Carson admitted from beside us. I jumped, making Cameron giggle. Yes, giggle. It was adorable.

"Damn you, Cars. You know how easily I'm startled," I laughed.

Reluctantly, Cameron withdrew his arm from around my waist. "Thanks a lot, Cars. I finally get out of the fat bitch's class and then you send me straight back to Hell."

I raised an eyebrow. Fat bitch? That's my thing. And Cars...that little bastard was stealing all my lines.

As I opened my mouth to speak Carson interjected, "I happen to know for a fact you weren't in Mrs. Wilcox class so who the hell are you talking about?" An amused smile tickled at his lips as he looked over me.

I smirked. "You know me too well, old pal. And 'Cars'? When'd you come up with that?"

Confused, Cam's eyes darted between us, seeking some sort of hint on the inside joke. "I think I'm missing something."

"Yeah, class," Carson grimaced and hurried both of us towards the door. "Val, if you're late again you'll get a detention."

"You mean another detention," I snickered. Who was he kidding? I got a detention just about every day. And on the days I was lucky enough not to get one I skipped school in the first place. Yeah, I know, it's going to come back and bite me in the ass. But what can I say? I've got my itch. Mine just isn't anything that's going to kill me...slowly, anyway.

"Ooh, a bad girl. I like 'em tough," Cameron smirked.

I glared at him. But as I opened my mouth to speak Carson cut me off.

"You don't like tough girls. You like the girls who are all artsy and sensitive, which is weird considering the crowd you're mixed up in. So don't start aggravating her. She'll be your worst nightmare."

At this, Cam burst out laughing. He was hunched over and clutching his stomach as he gasped for air. "She-her-I-oh God," he choked out, unable to breathe.

"Would you like for me to show you?" I asked him, taking a step towards him. At this he glanced up, only resulting in him laughing even harder. Didn't think that was possible.

I felt anger course through me. It was empowering, like I could do anything. But, at the same time, it was horrible. I felt so strained, like I was going to explode if I didn't control myself. I clenched my fists in an attempt to let loose some steam. I should've known it would only make it worse, I mean I was angry plenty of times.

"Val," Carson said sticking his arm in between is. "It's not worth it. You'll get suspended again. That'd be the second time this month." He shook his head.

He was right, of course. If they caught me, that is. Half the time, no one finds out about things that go on in this school. Especially when they concern me. I clenched my teeth and spoke, "Then make him stop before I do."

His eyes widened. "Shit." He grabbed my wrists as I began walking up to Cam's ever-shaking figure. "Val. Val! VAL!" He said, shaking my body. I shifted my glare to his face. "You're going to be late for class if you stay out here and beat the shit out of his 'beautiful' face, and then you'll get double suspension plus double detention when you return. It's. Not. Worth. It." He told me through gritted teeth.

"Then make him stop," I growled, spinning around and out of his reach. I walked toward the doors and opened them. "I'm pretty sure he has a chode," I muttered stepping inside.

I walked down the empty corridor in the direction of my locker, my footsteps echoing. I clenched and unclenched my firsts the whole way there, as I was still calming down. I have a very short fuse and when it ignites I explode. Apparently, Cameron was a match.

I reached my locker and unlocked it. The bell rang as I grabbed my books for next period: Creative Writing. Unlike most people, I love to write, voluntarily that is. And, according to my friends and teachers I wasn't half bad.

Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and, seeing that it was Cameron, ignored him. "Hey...umm, Val? I'm sorry for being a dick. You see, mine is particularly lar--AH FUCK!" He groaned, hopefully in pain. "Dude! Not cool! You fucking kicked me in da junk."

Yes. He actually said "da junk".

"You sound ratchet," muttered a second voice. I recognized that one.

I turned around slowly to face the boys. "Cameron--I'm pretty sure you have a chode so shut up and stop trying to impress the guys. And Carson--you're right. He does sound ratchet."

Cameron put a hand to his heart and attempted at a wounded look. "Come on, baby. If I had a soul you'd be it's mate."

"What's my favorite color, then?"

"" Damn it.

"Nope, it's green," I lied.

Carson smirked, "Yeah, and you're name is the Green Goblin."

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