Razor x Bennett 1/?

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Razor stared deeply at Bennett, who's face was now all red and flustered. He sat close to the camp fire, still processing what had just happened. Razor who secretly knew what he had done, sat with an emotionless expression and waited for Bennett to come back to his senses.

A second ago, Razor had caressed Bennett's cheek whilst the two boys were locking eyes. His thumb slowly traveled across his face, to meet his lips. His gaze had dropped to Bennett's plumb and surprisingly wet lips. His thumb rubbed from side to side, creating an even greater sensation on Bennett's lips. As the silence filled the shallow cave, Razor spurted out; "You beautiful. I want...Kiss you." This to where Bennett had sprung away in shock, leading us to the current situation.

"No?" Razor asked while slightly tilting his head to the side.

"Well- Not- Not no! Bu-t, Not yes..." Bennett struggled to form a sentence, as his heart was razing faster than ever, breath turned heavier, and face flushed with embarrassment. Razor hesitated but not, and leaned in closer to Bennett. His eyes were seducing and tempting, even the unknowledgeable wolfboy from wolvendom, knew what he was doing.

Razors eyes did not leave Bennetts bulging lips, and as he got close enough to feel Bennett's breath on his lips, he then pressed his own onto his, closing his eyes shut. The wet substance from Bennett's lips sent heat waves through Razor, making his whole body ache for more. Although the craving had almost gotten to him, he pulled away and stared deeply into the eyes of Bennett. Bennett who was still in shock, put his right hand to cover his mouth, leaning all of his weight on the other. 

"I-is that...It?" Bennett asked shyly. Razor's eyes widened just slightly.

"You want more?" Bennett then flinched and shook his head heavily.

Razor stared deeply into his eyes, not moving from his current position. He then leaned in again, to meet the same, wet, plumb, nice lips. After a few seconds, Razor started to move his lips. As he gripped onto Bennett's lower lip, Bennett sucked on Razor's upper. They kept on kissing and sucking each others lips, until the burning sensation had gotten the best of both of them. 

Razor then pushed Bennett to the ground, and placed his knee in between Bennett's legs, touching his groin. This left Bennett to almost bite at Razor's lips. 

Razor switched his angle to make room for their faces, whilst doing so, their noses brushed, also sending new and exciting feelings through the both of them. They let go to breathe, but clasped right back onto each other as soon as they had gotten their breaths. 

As they started to kiss harder and faster, Bennett's hips started to move, rubbing against Razor's left knee. This had Razor hum into Bennett's mouth. The buzzing feeling, was even more exciting, but both of them searched for more.

As the pulled away to catch their breaths again, Razor suddenly said;

"Open mouth." Bennett listened and opened his mouth only slightly. Razor then stuck his tongue into Bennett's mouth, which made both of them flinch. Razor started to move, kissing and sucking, the flicking of his tongue exploring Bennett's open mouth. 

Bennett kissed back, and their tongues danced around in their mouths, with only split seconds of letting go of each other.

Bennett had to admit, Razor's breath didn't do any goods to kissing. He didn't taste all that good, only of old boar and old smelly blood. But to Bennett, that didn't matter. Razor's tongue was warm and slimy, which felt nice. His taste was something he shouldn't be worrying about now.

As they kissed, and rubbed, and sucked, and hummed into each others mouths, the cave got dark and heavy. It was night time already. They had been making out for almost the rest of the day. Not that it bothered either of them, but it still came to a shock.

As they pulled away from each other, Bennett quickly pressed a peck on Razor's lips and proceeded to fold himself under the moss blanket he had made earlier. 

Razor followed him, and snuggled in under the blanket with him. They embraced each other throughout the whole night, like they always did, and fell into a deep slumber.

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