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MilitaryPro1's section, beginning of Season 2

USAF Base, Guam

Third Person POV:

The mood at the USAF Base in Guam was gloomy as USTO members try to get themselves together with all the other trauma, but it was clear that this one shook them, never was a member of the USTO Killed In Action, for many of the veterans who served in the Third World War, unforgivable.....especially for Frost.

Frost: He was a great of our very best.

He hang his head down in shame.

One week ago

Federation forces are growing by the number as they pressed on the suburbs at the southern part of Yona, Guam as USTO forces fight with their best as Pravda forces defect but with the Federation reinforcements pouring through and ammunition running low the situation was soon becoming untenable.

HSAW Vietnamese Soldier: Sir, this position is untenable, we're running out of ammo and more and more Federation forces are coming, we can't hold them off!

Frost (radio): Then we'll go on a fighting retreat, make it hell for the Federation!

The USTO soldiers soon fired shot after shot after shot, as Federation soldiers were soon cut down by hails of bullets, a Type 10 then ran through a building where Frost was neaby,he stepped back as the enemy Type 10 fire its machine guns at the ground forces, it then aimed at an M1A2 Abrams and fired a shot at it as Frost stumbled back.

*Ker Chunck!*

Frost: Cái đ*t! (AH SHIT!)

Townsend who misinterpreted the scream as Frost getting shot rushed over to him and pulled Frost out of the nearby tank which was about to fire at the two if it wasn't for a RPG rocket to hit the Type 10, knocking it out.

Frost: Thanks man.

Townsend: You welcome.

A Federation infantrywoman saw Frost and Townsend, who then tried to rush at them with her Arisaka rifle, only to be gunned down by Townsend's M4A1. Behind them, covering fire from all the USTO tanks, including the HSAW T-14s, M1A2s, and some of the former Japanese High School tanks, along with infantry support. The screams of tank shells and the hailing fire from M4s, M27s, M249s, PKMs, etc., can be heard right behind the two.

Frost: We have to go. Now.

Townsend: Roger sir, right behind you.

One by one the USTO fell back as Frost and Townsend rejoined with Viper, Miho, and Maho as they run to a HSAW T-15 Armata Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle, a thud was soon heard as Frost, Viper, Miho and Maho look back and in horror, see Townsend on the ground with a gunshot wound.

Frost: Townsend!

Frost ran to Townsend's side and pulled him while taking out his M45A1 and firirng it at the incoming Federation troops while Viper,Miho and Maho shot their last rounds at the Federation.

Viper: Sh*t I'm out of ammo!

Miho: Last mag!

Maho: I'm out of ammo as well

Townsend: *in pain* Aaaaaaah!

Frost: Stay with me, soldier!

They then all got into a small sandbag barricade.

Townsend: Yo- *Coughs out blood* You gotta get the others out of here.

Frost: No, we can still make it.

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