S1, Ep 1: First Contacts

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*Insert opening theme: Battlefield 4 Warsaw Theme*

Chalan Pago

Third Person POV: MilitaryPro1

The USTO guards (composed of mainly active duty HSAW US Marines) awed upon the sight of a column of German tanks.

HSAW US Marine #1: Wait German tanks? I thought this was a US island?

HSAW US Marine #2: Either it must be reinforcements or the whole theory of "alternate universes" exists.

HSAW US Marine #1: If the latter is the case then the question is who are they?

HSAW US Marine #2: Well they are Germans, evident by the Iron Cross of the German Military. Or at least a similar nation.

HSAW US Marine #1: Unless Kuromuromine somehow got modern tanks....

HSAW US Marine #2: Thôi, nhìn dáng trước đi. (Okay, just look up front.)

HSAW US Marine #1: Rõ! (Affirmative.)

Erwin's POV Shell Lobber

I sighed at the seemingly confusion of the Yanks in front, before leaning back in my position. To be fair, I would be if Americans all the sudden showed up from the woodworks like we did... I shook my head before activating the unit comm. "Jaegers, bleib zurück. Wolf, wir nähern uns und strecken deinen Kopf aus."(Jaegers, remain back. Wolf, we are approaching, and pop your head out.)

"Verstand meine Liebe."(Understood, my Love). With the acknowledgement from Darjeeling, I switched to internal coms. "Nehmen Sie uns auf. Fünfzehn Kilometer pro Stunde."(Take us in. Fifteen Kilometers per Hour.) The Leopard slowed down as I stuck my head and upper torso out of the hatch, my Temporal Uniform still on instead of my usual tanker fatigues.

"Wolf? Your English is good, ja?" I spoke through the unit com

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"Wolf? Your English is good, ja?" I spoke through the unit com. "Hai. Are you suggesting I speak first?" Darjeeling muttered, her gaze falling upon me, making me feel the glare. "Well... Ja? But let me guess, you are not going to because you're the commanding officer?" I looked back with a slight smirk, only to receive a shook head.

"Fine, fine, I'll adhere to protocol." I muttered as we slowly made our way to a checkpoint, eyeing the uniforms of the men we were approaching.

Third Person PoV: MilitaryPro1,Shell Lobber and Delta 5-1

The tanks stopped at the checkpoint while a HSAW Checkpoint Guard stopped and looked at Rommel.

HSAW Checkpoint Guard #1: *raised his left hand in a stop sign* Dùng lại. (Stop.)

Rommel: Who are you, where are we and what is the date today?

HSAW Checkpoint Guard #1: Private Denver Johnson, USTO 1st Infantry Battalion, US unit: 1st Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, its April the 11th, 2021 and you are in Guam at Chalan Pago village, may I request what your business is here?

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