14 - Final Goodbye

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TW! Kind of gory and sad description of body, obviously death based on the body part lol

Emma felt her stomach drop as she realized the dark horror that finally made itself clear. She felt Paul's hand close even tighter around hers, leaving her hand in a deathly grip that was sure to leave a bruise later. She didn't care. It didn't matter. Nothing did. 

Tom watched them, eyes a bright glowing blue, a small curious look on his face. He was studying their reaction. A smile grew on his face while he watched the two of them, faces of dread. 

Emma had only just gotten back from Guatemala after receiving the news about her sister, Jane, passing away in a terrible car crash. Emma had missed everything else significant in Jane's life, her bitter resentment towards the past keeping her from reconnecting with her older sister. Emma tried, she really did, to put the past behind her, but every time she thought back to when they were kids, pain and betrayal overwhelmed her, and suddenly she didn't care again. About anything. Who cared if she fell of a cliff, who cared if she got kidnapped and murdered while hitchhiking. Her parents hated how loud Emma could be. They hated that she'd push the limits to the very end. They hated Emma. They made sure she knew it, too. 

Emma felt a blinding rage towards this thing who was controlling Tom's body. 

"I didn't even fucking get to say goodbye," she growled softly. "You took a perfectly good person and killed them off for no reason. You say you're trying to improve this Earth? How? By gruesomely murdering every single person on this planet to make an empire of your own?" Emma's voice rose to a scratchy yell. 

Tom's smile only widened, and his eyes seemed to glow even brighter. The laugh sounded like Tom's, only garbled. Not quite correct. "You think we're doing this for ourselves? Take a look around you, things couldn't get any worse than what you've already done. That person who you seemed to both resent and care for? Insignificant. Her death was not necessary, no, but it was fun to keep you both so distracted."

Emma didn't even register the last part of his statement, all the could feel was pure anguish. She whipped out the small gun from her waistband and shot him. One, twice, three times in the head. Tom's body crumpled to the ground, his face still gleeful and manic. Emma shot him again a few more times just for good measure. And then one more. 

"Emma, Emma!" Paul shook the arm holding the gun. 

Emma couldn't take her eyes off of the corpse in front of her. She knew the body was Tom's, but she didn't know if the being was still inside of him. Hopefully it died when she shot his head. 

"Jane didn't have a fucking clue what was happening. She was just taking a ride with her most beloved. She trusted him. I wonder what she felt when she realized the person she loved the most was going to-"

"Emma." Paul slowly lowered her trembling arm. 

The gun clattered onto the road. 

"Fucking bastard!" Emma screamed, feeling searing hot tears cascade down her face. "I never got to say goodbye! I never got to say I was sorry...that I loved her."

"Oh, Emma," Paul sighed, pulling her shivering body into her arms. 

"He just left her body on the side of the road like she was just some piece of trash. We have to go give her a proper burial." Emma's eyes bored into Paul's, and she saw him flinch. 

"Emma, we can't...we're kinda on the run from musical aliens trying to take over the world right now. We can come back-"

"No we can't! I'm not leaving  her there, Paul! I don't care what happens, as long as she gets one last thing. If I couldn't support her with anything else, if I couldn't be a part of her life, I'll be a part in giving her proper treatment in death. I at least owe her that."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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