The crazed man with a scythe. 1

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Warning: This chapter will contain spoilers and swearing.

   You were sitting on a messy twin sized bed with a single pillow and wool blanket reading a book. Suddenly over an intercom you heard a voice say "The girl on the bottom level is a sacrifice prepare your floor". You got up quickly "Ohh!! Time for some fun!!" You said grabbing your ax as a crazed smile making its way on your face.  "I wonder where the elevator is.. I can't remember..." You said sprinting around empty hallways. White empty hallways after hallways. They appeared to be never ending. "Is she actually on this floor??" You said to yourself annoyed.

Suddenly you seen a blond girl walking threw the next hallway. You puts the ax behind her back. 'Shit she looks a little young.' You thought to herself. "Hey, Uh how old are you?" You ask ax behind your back. The younger girl screamed. She seemed to calm down a bit after looking at you. "U-um.. I-I'm 13.." She said stuttering. "God damn it!" You said throwing your ax at the wall, You sigh. "What ever come with me." You said grabbing your ax and walking down the hallway. "Y-you're not going to hurt me are you?.." The little blond girl asked. "No, I just don't feel like it." You said turning around. "O-oh well I'm Rachel Gardner.." Rachel said stuttering. "Nice name kid, I'm Y/n." You stated with a smile on your face.

"So do you know how you got here?" You said walking towards Rachel. "I-I was with my therapist and then I was here.." Rachel said stuttering. "I see, so you don't have a clue how you got here, Correct?" You said with an annoyed face. "U-uhm yes.." Rachel says looking down. "Alright let's try to get out I guess." You stated rolling your eyes. 

The two walk down hallways until they reach an elevator. You pull out a remote from your back pocket and presses a button, opening the elevator doors. You and Rachel step inside the elevator. The doors close as the elevator begins to head up.

Suddenly a bell ringing is heard . "Shit.." You say under your breath. "B-7 and the girl on the bottom level are now considered sacrifices all floors please begin preparations at once.." a voice from the speakers called.  "Welp I knew that'd happen eventually." Y/n said sighing. "You did?" Rachel asked. "Well yeah kid, I mean I did break the rules." You said straightening your posture. "Wait theirs rules?" Rachel asked tilting her head to the side. "You ask to many questions" You said leaning your head back. "Oh! We're here." You said as the elavator came to a stop. They look around to see a road with dumpsters surrounding the walls. At the end of the road was a door. "Hey Y/n look there's a door over there." Rachel says pointing to the door. "I know" You say walking towards the door.

They open the door to see what appears to be a long alleyway type room. "Woah.. I didn't know they had the kind of stuff here.." You say flinging your ax on your shoulder. Rachel stays quiet and stays close to you. Once they get to the end they turn to see a garbage can they continue moving down until they see a bird. "A bird?" Rachel says. "Looks like it" You responded. Rachel runs over to the bird and looks at it. "Hey there little bird.." Rachel says smiling. "How about we make it out of here together?" Rachel says.


Suddenly that look of happiness on Rachel's face slowly was engulfed in despair

"AHAHAHAHAHAAA YOU KNOW YOU ALMOST LOOKED HOPEFUL THERE FOR A SECOND!" A figure screeched coming out of the darkness. "But now all I can see is despair.." The figure said with a creepy smile on his face. "But since I love that expression on your face I'll give you a 3 second head start!! So try to run away.." The man yelled holding up 3 fingers. "Oh yeah! And I want you to CRY and SCREAM FOR YOUR LIFE!! I can't get enough of that SAD, PATHETIC EXPRESSION" The man yelled once again. 'Just because I won't kill her doesn't mean I won't let others.' You thought leaning on a wall close by watching as b6 chased after Rachel.

"WHERE ARE YA LITTLE BITCH?!" B6 yelled. "COME OUT SO I CAN KILL YA!!" The unknown man screamed. "Hehehe I guess I wouldn't come out either.."

Suddenly wood breaking and crashing was heard.

"Damn it tch!" You hear the man yell coming your way. 'That probably isn't good' You thought to yourself. You see B6 walk out into the alleyway again. You feel yourself start sweating 'I really don't feel like fighting that guy right now' You watch as the man looks around until he notice's you. 'Maybe dying wouldn't be so bad.. life is kinda shitty anyways haha' You thought to yourself. A small smile appears on your face. "YO! You fucking weirdo whatcha smiling for??" The man yells. "Why do you want to know?" You yell back still with a smile on your face. Suddenly you see the man's eyes glow red as he lunges at you. Your eyes widen and you quickly duck.

"...shit.. guess I'm not ready to die haha.." you respond looking up at the man. "HAHAHAHAHA!! Sorry there little fuck! Your smiling face just made me want to stab you!!" He says scythe in had. "Isn't that what your supposed to do?" You said grabbing your axe. "Hey! Don't get smart with me!!" He responds grabbing his scythe ready to strike. You slide out of his view and quickly get up.  He tries to strike you again and you block. "Stop moving damn it!!" He yells getting annoyed. "Could we not? I'm not in the mood to fight right now." You respond backing up. "Your the smart ass who said I was supposed to kill you?!"

"Hah! Kind of forgot about that!" You said smiling again. He strikes you, but you quickly move only ending up with a scratch on your cheek. "Ow. That hurt. Do it again" You said smiling even bigger. "Well fuck if you keep smiling like that I will!!" He says again trying to slice you. Coming to your senses after reviewing your options, knowing he probably will be stronger in just brute strength, you run. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! Are we playing a game of tag now?!" The man yells chasing after you.  You find a room, open the door and hide behind it. He quickly runs in after you and you run out of the door slamming it shut.

You hold the door shut. Luck was on your side because it was a push door not a pull. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!" The man yells. After struggling to open the door he stabs his scythe threw the door. "Shit.." you mumble barely dodging. The door flys open and you fall back and hit a wall. "Well fuck.. wonder how I'm gonna get out of this.." you mumble to yourself as the man approaches you. "Hehehehe! No where to run now is there you little bitch?" The man yells. "Well damn. Could I at least know the name of my killer before I die?" You say with a grin. "Hahaha!!! Of course!! I want you to remember my name and remember it well.. make sure you tell the people in hell about it and how much of a fearful person he was!!" He yells cockily. "Oh my god just get on with it" you say annoyed.
"Zack" He says smiling.

"Just Zack?"


"Jeez who pissed in your cheerios" You mumbled. Noticing he was distracted you take your axe and swing it at his knees with the wood. "Fuck wrong side!" You yelled. "FUCK!" Zack yelled quickly falling to the ground. "Nice chat Zack! It seems I've got to go!!" You yelled quickly running away. "GET BACK HER YOU FUCKING CUNT!!" Zack yelled crawling towards you. You look back at him and flip him off as you turn a corner and see Rachel. You cover her mouth and drag her to a safe spot. "Y-your bleeding!" Rachel says clearly still shaken up. "Oh yeah he cut me a little bit, but I got that fucker in his knees" You said confidently. You notice Rachel's face fill with fear.

"He's right behind me isn't he" You say turning your head to face him.

"YOUR GONNA FUCKING PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID YOU BITCH!" Zack yells holding his scythe up. "Oh for fucks sake!" You yell getting your axe and dragging Rachel. He starts chasing you, and just as the alleys seem to never end you notice something. "The elevator!" You yell. "IM GOING TO RIP OUT YOU STOMACH AND FEED IT TO THE RATS YOU FUCKER!!" Zack yells. "Wow! So scary!!" You yell with a snarky grin. You frantically press the button as you hear him catch up suddenly the doors open. You push Rachel in and stumble into the elevator. Almost as Zack makes it in the elevator doors close.

A few bangs can be heard from the medal doors  then the elevator starts going down. You look over to see Rachel crying. "Oh uhm.. hey.. it's alright.. we'll get out soon." You say giving a assuring smile. "A-are you sure?" Rachel says looking up at you. "Yes" you say patting her head. "Now stop crying okay!" You say smiling. "A-alright.." Ray says wiping her tears..

"Now arriving on floor B5..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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