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Coffee wasn't her favorite drink. It only took that position when she read about its fat killing abilities. She quickly got addicted. Over a couple months she took coffee like her existence depended on it. Like she would die if she didn't have a cup every eight hours.

She did everything else: cut down her food, took up body reduction exercises, stretching her body to the extent that it was beginning to hurt.

She didn't stop.

It wasn't long before the effects started kicking in.

Her body grew smaller, but she couldn't sleep at night. The chubby cheeks were gone, but dark encircled her eyes.

She was a mess, but she couldn't stop.

The next time she looked into a mirror, she was an entirely different person. Her eyes looked dim, figure looked small, breasts looked smaller. She looked nothing like Ariana. But it was working! She was gaining the body she wanted--save for the sleepy face.

For the first time in years, she smiled at her reflection.

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