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She met you at a coffee shop. 

The only reason why she'd been there was to grab another steaming cup of bitter black coffee. Her usual.

Surely, she'd become a terrible insomniac, unable to sleep at all and growing grumpier by each day. But it was worth it. There's no glory without mud, she told herself. No beauty without pain.

She was beautiful now. She had to pay this small price.

Ah. But whet you gave her the offer of becoming a model she couldn't really resist it, could she?

You showered her with beauty praises. According to your words, "you could have more."

She believed it when you told her she was beautiful. It was only because she'd convinced herself she was. She'd confessed it to her reflection.

You told her she wouldn't have to endure any pain. You told her she wouldn't have to sacrifice sleep. You told her you could make her perfect.

You lied.

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