Part 2 of 3

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Cold air fills my lungs with a gasp as my body shoots up, eyes snap open drinking in my surroundings. Liss!? Where's liss and mum?! I shoot up to my feet scurrying off to start my journey to find my family.

"It's not worth it" a familiar voice calls out. I turn around to see Remus Black, my best friend since 1st grade sitting idly by a tent pole his long legs stretched out across the ground. "Ive already tried to get to Louise, we're separated from the girls" his voice holding the usual know it all tone it usually does. His light brown curly hair messier than usual and his blue icy eyes holding bags underneath then, like he hadn't slept in a while.

"how long have I been out" my whisper barely hear amongst the small chatters of the tent. The tent holding a dark surrounding, lit only by the few lamps set up reflecting the red and yellow colour of the tent. The tent blocking out all light from the outside making it unknown of what time of day it could be outside.

"Almost 40hrs since I saw you" he moves to feet, just towering over me with his height being 6'4 compared to my 6 foot. "I saw you lying on the ground when I came in, just in front of the entrance" he points a long finger over towards the opening of the tent where a lite bit of light was seeping through. "I dragged you out over to the back as people kept tripping over you, got a little dirt in your hair, sorry mate" he ruffles my short dark curls with his Large hand causing dust particles to fall out.

"Thanks" a sort of. mumble leaves my lips as I dip my head. He has to be lying, there has to be a way to get back to the girls, I wont just stay here wondering what's Happening to them, it'll eat me up from the inside and i'll go crazy. The thought of anything happening to the two most important people of my life makes me angry, just the thought making me want to lash out and save them but I cant because Im stuck. My dad left our family a year after liss was born 7 years ago, I saw how torn mum was about it all and I vowed to protect her and give liss a male figure to look up to in her life, I was only 9 years old. Liss has never been without me in her life I don't even want to start imagining her without me at the moment. Before my brain can even cooperate my legs start running, straight for the small opening at the front of the tent, pushing past people, running people over. My legs sprinting, small footsteps hurt behind me add the small calls of Remus trying to stop me. Of course his Large legs catching up to me pulling me by the arm to an abrupt stop.

"Harry, stop this, you cant get to them" his hand Tightening its grip with his harsh whispers, his face so close to mine I can feel his breath whip across my face.

"Yeah well I'm not just gonna sit and here and not know how they're going" my voice several levels higher than his. My forest of my green eyes seeping into the ocean of his blue, a fire burning up inside the forest burning into Remus

"I tried ok! And now I'm sporting this bruise and a slight Conclusion, so if you please just go Back and wait for lunch till you think of a crazy plan to get yourself Killed" his voice slightly higher than before. "Please" His voice so pleading and scared, The blue and purple ring under remus' eye became more evident now that I was face to him. I was so caught up in my head and worry I couldn't even notice the pain and suffering of my best friend. Maybe he was right, maybe I needed to wait, plan, think, of what I needed to do before diving head first into a mess I don't even know I'm caught up in. There's so many things I don't know about, I'm not usually the one to cause attention and chaos, I keep to myself and value kindness and respect. I bow my head with a slight nod, shrinking my stance, Remus' grip on my arm loosens slightly, silently dragging me to the back of the tent. "Lunch should be soon" his voice so quiet as he returns to his stop on the floor, not once making eye contact with me again. I settle on the ground in front of remus my brain stretching and searching for any answers that I could be given. The grass ground beneath me hard and the smell of sweat and man swept the air intoxicating it to all, the lack of showering evident. So many boys and men crowed in one area, panic written on everyone's face, confusion spreads throughout everyone in the tent. Three soldiers standing at all the corners of the tent, two set up at the entrance preventing anyone from leaving, Distant cries of baby's and chatters of people fill the tent. A high pitch noise drags me out of my thoughts, a male soldier had entered the tent ringing a bell and everyone shifted up onto there feet and start exiting the tent, I spring to my feet.

"Where are they going?" I whisper to Remus who's standing directly behind me

"Lunch" he pushes to start his walk towards the entrance, I trail quickly behind him. The curtains drag open and the sunlight pours over my face, my hand quick to cover the burns of the sun rays. Soldier's each side of the huddled line of men  directing us into another tent, one more open than the men's tent. I look over the crowd to see many women getting directed into a different tent. One more closed off much like the men's tent, like they were returning not leaving. I get pushed into the tent, bundles of food set out on tables, the food that was given for the fair. Decoration cakes, jam, sheep, cattle and much more settles out over a long table, the food looked like it had been slightly eaten at. That's was probably the girls, they probably eat before us so we can't interact with them. I grab a 2 sausage off one of tables and 2 slices of bread and sit down next to Remus. A little boy around liss' age walks up to the jam table, his tiny figure too small to reach the jams resulting in him smashing over the table. The loud crash instantly catching the attention of the soldier at the back of the tent. The soldiers long steps towards the boy holding anger, I frantically get to my feet hurting over to the boy. The soldier reaches the kid before me grabbing the kid by his shirt, a cry pours from the kids lips and foreign words scream at the kid

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