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Circuit mid-1950s

Eren and Mikasa's relationship is strained due to work and keeping up with appearance. Eren is a CEO at a popular magazine company. Mikasa works as an assistant or a famous actor. They're both wealthy and busy most of the time. They met at a release party, when the famous actor was featured on their issue. They dated for a few months, but Mikasa got pregnant so their hurried and got married. She miscarried a few weeks into the marriage. They stayed together because they didn't want to ruin their good reputation, and people are very nosy and judgmental.

It's about 2 years into their marriage. They sleep in the same bed, seen each other naked countless times, and even sometimes have sex. But it's been literal months since they have sex, and even longer since that sex was actually pleasurable and passionate. Mikasa is very bored, and Eren is oblivious to her boredom. Mikasa is still attracted to Eren, though Eren is falling out of love and has even been flirting with another woman, potentially almost having an affair...

On a morning of a very busy day at their breakfast table, Mikasa asks Eren if he still loves her.

Eren answers "Of course," nonchalantly, not even looking up from his paper. But Mikasa is somber, staring away at the calendar. Their two year anniversary was the day before, and Eren hasn't said anything about it.

Mikasa asks him again, this time more brash. "I said, 'do you love me?'" 

Eren looks up from the newspaper finally catching onto her insecurity. "I love you, very much." He hesitates almost like it was a question. 

Mikasa nods not looking at him. She stands, taking both their plates to put them in the sink. Eren stares as she does this, watching her leave the kitchen. He notices the calendar, getting up to check the date, seeing their anniversary had passed. Eren curses to himself. He goes up stairs very slowly, trying to find the words to make it up to her. Thinking about buying lavish things, like a new car or diamond necklace. He feels they aren't good enough, since Mikasa doesn't have interest in materials. 

He creeps in the room, seeing she isn't there. He's about to leave until he hears her moan in the bathroom. He sneaks over peaking in, ducking away quickly so she wouldn't she him. She's masturbating on the toilet, furiously. Rubbing her clit in a circular motion and thrusting her hips. He stares in, making sure not to get caught. She doesn't look up one time, angrily rubbing herself to calm down. He's never seen her do that, in fact, he didn't know what she was doing. He didn't know anything about the clit, even though she has told him to focus on it before, but he'd only do it for a little bit before sticking his dick in. He's never seen her in heat like this before, feeling a bit insecure that it wasn't him to do it. He looks away thinking about their time together, and how their backyard wedding was loveless. He only married her because he got her pregnant, but it didn't mean he doesn't have feelings for her. He starts to feel guilty, peaking back in only to be shocked again. 

She's fingering herself. Curling her fingers inward and upward. She's jerking herself hand in a circular motion. Eren is amazed, feeling himself get hard. He wants to help, but he doesn't want to interrupt. The house phone starts ringing, startling both Eren and Mikasa. Eren ducks out of the room gently closing the door only to open it loudly. He hurried to the phone as Mikasa steps out of the bathroom. It's his boss, reminding him of the dinner tonight. Eren hangs up pretending to be shocked to see Mikasa come out the bathroom. 

"I didn't know you were in here." He says walking to the dresser. "It's about time we start our day, don't you think?" 

Mikasa stares at the floor, still a bit flustered. 

Eren stares at her through the mirror. "What's the matter, honey?" 

Mikasa falsely smiles. "Nothing, darling."

BORTHERED - EREMIKA SHORTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant