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The balls clap together violently, reaching each hole at the corners and middle of the green table.

"Nice one, Eren." Reiner says chuckling, "I thought you said you don't play pool often?"

Eren shrug his shoulder with a smug smirk on his face. "I guess it's beginner's luck."

Reiner looks to Bertoldt, who stood shyly across the table from Eren. He pats him on the back with a wide smile. "Your turn."

Bertoldt leaned over the table, pool stick underneath him. He sets his aim for the number eight with a number three behind it ball, taking no time to shoot. The three fell into the hole as the eight rolled in the other direction. He leans up gazing at Reiner.

"Close enough." Reiner says. "Now watch this." Reiner sets to aim for a three-way shot. Eren leans on his stick watching him, when suddenly an array of heat overflown him. He grunted softly staring at the table. Reiner notices this, looking into Eren's big, green eyes in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Eren stands up straight, eyes jetting to the carpet. "Uhh, nothing. I just need to go to the bathroom." He sets the stick against the table hurrying out the room.

He's only been to Reiner's house once before, so he remembered where the bathroom was. Down the hall near the entrance by the living room. From the game room, he beams straight to the bathroom nearly slamming the door. He fell against the white door gasping for air. Skimming his hand across his forehand, he notices the sweat dripping. At the sink, he splashes water on his face gripping his brunette hair.

"This can't be happening. Not now... Fuck." He stood up gazing into the mirror. His face is blushed red pass his normal tanned skin. His pupils dilated, bushy eyebrows twitching inward on their own. "Goddammit..." He grits, hitting his fist on the marble sink. There he notices a bulge between his legs. He's wearing dark pants, but with a close eye you could easily see he was excited. He stares in horror remembering each time heat has ever happened to him, and how vulnerable he becomes. It just had to be tonight, the night where he was going to hang with his friends, in particular people he looked up to. Two men whom he was going to the military with, and tonight was supposed to be the last free night. It was supposed to be a night of pool, beer, and sports. Just the typical hanging out with the boys. But of course, Eren being the omega has to ruin it.

Eren pouts pinching the bridge of his nose. His pants is tight, and he's trying his best to ignore it. He turns to the door attempting to come up with a plan, noticing the shower and stack of towels. An idea came to him, not one he wants to do but what choice did he have?

The nineteen year old walks back in the playroom in shame. Reiner and Bertoldt were on the pool table talking when they notice him come in. Facing Eren, Reiner tilts his blonde, buzzcut head. "Are you okay?"

Eren eyes the ground, his crotch is still wet and his dick still stings from the cold shower. He feels nothing but embarrassment, having to stand there in the bathtub with freezing cold water pouring on his erection at a future colleagues' house. It was moments like these that reminded him that he hated being an omega. "I'm... uh... a little sick. I think I should go."

Reiner walks up to him, causing Eren to take a step back in defense. He squeezed his eyelids closed, hoping to God the smell hadn't radiated yet. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

The omega winced, realizing the erection was back. He tried facing away, painfully wanting Reiner to take a hint and leave him alone. "No... no. I don't need anything. I just need to go home. Sorry." He takes a step forward to leave, but Reiner grabs his shoulder. Eren freezes, his body begins to tremble under Reiner's touch.

Reiner leans over him, the hair of on his chin brushing against Eren's jawline. "I can help you." he says in a raspy voice.

"Please..." Eren whispers. "I just need to go ho--" His eyes widen downward seeing Reiner's bear hand over Eren's small waist. "Oh God..." He closes his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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BALL PIT -- REINER x BERTOLDT x EREN (OMEGAVERSE)Where stories live. Discover now