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His breathing was paced, but he kept running. He moved in between buildings to avert being spotted. His footsteps echoed throughout the alleyways, occasionally seeing people burning items in barrels, which indicated smoke. Nonetheless, Lucas persevered. Eventually, he came to a halt, needing to take a breath. He bent down, his hands on his knees. He breathed heavily, attracting the attention of a poor old man hiding under a tent. Lucas looked over at the man, before the man got up and walked to him. 

"Hey buddy, what's the holdup, are you alright?" He said. Lucas began sobbing into the mans arms. The man looked down at the poor boy. He looked like he was in his late 20's, but had also been homeless. However, in the midst of his sobbing, he felt a short pain in his neck, before a loud bang ensued. The old man had stuck a needle into him, and shot a flare. All of a sudden, he heard footsteps echoing. However, whatever the man put inside of Lucas muffled the noise. People gathered around, civilians and government officials. They picked him up, carrying out of the alleyway. 

He hadn't the strength to move, nor resist. His mouth opened but words could not come out. He saw a figure standing atop the roof of a house. It was a cloaked man in a mask. The cloak was purple. It had a pattern on it in light purple, but it was hard to make out due to the drugs. Lucas was put on a caravan, before the officials gave the thumbs up and began moving. Horses began to move, dragging along the man and the guards. He felt sick, and began puking all over the car. The men had suit on, so one of them grabbed Lucas's throat, enraged. "Listen here you little-" he was cut off. A gun was aimed at the back of his head by another official.

"Move towards the boy again and you're dead." said the man with the gun, his voice bellowing throughout the caravan. However, the van stopped. Everybody looked over, looking for the man who was instructing the horses. They couldn't see him due to the large white cloak that was placed over the passenger area to cover them from sunlight. Lucas looked over, and saw a blurred image of red streaks on the road. The driver was dead. Or maybe it was the horses. Nonetheless, somebody was attacking the van.

Moments later, smoke covered the van, making all of the men cough. One of the men got pulled up into the roof, before a cracking noise echoed throughout the van. The white sheet had red stains. Suddenly, almost in an instant, the adrenaline kicked into Lucas, who kicked the man directly across him. The kick was strong enough to cave his skull in. The last man held Lucas's throat. "I don't know who you are, but if you make another move, the boy's dead." he said, his grip around Lucas's neck growing tighter. His life was endangered, which triggered something in him. His eyes illuminated yellow, before another lightning bolt struck down on the van. It created another creature, this one without skin and  only muscle. It distracted the man enough for the saboteur to attack, ending the mans life. This creature that was summoned had no life. It was simply a husk. Suddenly, Lucas felt pressure on his neck again. This time it was a sedative. Slowly, he closed his eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.

He was in the void again, looking at the blue strands. Sebastian stood behind him, chuckling. "You finally learned something. Took you long enough" He said. The strand that attached from the tree onto his back was turning darker. "It wasn't alive.." Lucas muttered, studying the strands religiously. Sebastian walked up behind him. "I know. You must learn to create life. You are god." he said. "You must learn to let go" Sebastian said, quietly. "Why are you still here?" Lucas said, his voice echoing throughout the void. "Hm? What do you mean?" Sebastian replied, confused. "You died. These strands represent life. Why are you here?" Lucas said, turning behind him. Sebastian stopped for a moment. "Well I... I-" he was cut off as the void slowly disappeared as Lucas came to.

Lucas opened his eyes, groggily. He groaned, alerting the cloaked man. He looked down on Lucas. He had a mask, one that resembled a bird. It was like a mask the doctors from the plague wore, but it had more intricate detail. It had feathered patterns, creases along its eyes. "Who are you?" he asked. "A-And why did you help me?" his voice was shaky. His life was in the hands of a masked individual. He removed the mask, revealing almost half of his was burnt and scarred. "I know what you are. I am one of the same." he said, smiling. 

"W-What do you mean?" Lucas said, stuttering. The man looked up. "I have a power similar to yours. You can create the creatures, though I prefer to call them titans, and I can become one." he said. "I can also access the tree of life, similar to you." his voice was calming. Maybe it was what he was saying that gave it the sense of calming. "My name's Zelus." he said, sticking a hand out. Lucas grabbed it, lifting himself up.

"I'm trying to eradicate the government" he said, quietly. "I intended to kill you, but plans changed when I saw you create a titan before my own eyes." he said, looking off. They were inside a small shack in the middle of nowhere. Lucas looked around. "You said you could become a 'titan', right?" he asked, looking at Zelus. "Yes, though I dont use it often. I don't..." he stopped for a second. "I don't want to get into it." he said. "Well, c-can I see it?" Lucas asked. "O-oh uh, I can try!" he said cheerfully. "Follow me outside." Zelus spoke, opening the door for Lucas. They were in a meadow, the grass seemingly flat. 

Zelus cleared his throat, before his eyes emitted a yellow glow. Lucas felt something shudder within him. He felt the lightning moving down upon Zelus. It struck down, building a bone structure around Zelus. At first it looked like he would be in the neck of the titan, but instead ended up in the back of the mouth of it. It was much more apparent as the muscle conformed. The titan was about 17 or 18 meters tall, enough to ram through buildings. It had skin, and hair, and no genitals. It had armored plates only on its forearm, like a shield of some sorts.

"My god..." Lucas uttered, looking at the sight.

"My god."

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