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Sherlock, John and I sat in the back of a cab, me between them

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Sherlock, John and I sat in the back of a cab, me between them. I tried my best not to stare at Sherlock. There was something inside me, making want to stare at him all the time. I couldn't quite realize what it was but I got a strange feeling when being around him. At first I thought it was because he was weird from all the people I've ever met but then a strange thought came inside my mind. Sentiment. Am I attracted to him? I truly hope it wasn't that because for some reason the words sentiment and Sherlock didn't go together when I thought about him. Even though I've known him for some hours only I could see he had zero relationships with other human beings. Romantic or not.

Once more, John and I looked at Sherlock confused when the cab stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. I finally made peace with the fact that me and John being confused will be our everyday mood from now on.

The three of us got out of the cab and Sherlock walked straight for the entrance. ''What are we doing here?'' I asked following behind him with John next to me.

''I need to inform Sebastian.'' Sherlock simply said before we reached a table, in the back of the restaurant, where Sebastian chatted with some others.

''It was a threat, that's what the graffiti meant.'' Sherlock said, making our presence known to everyone sitting on the table. Sebastian threw him an uneasy glare.

''I'm kind of in a meeting. Can you make an appointment  with my secretary?'' Sebastian told Sherlock making me give him a disapproving look once more. I really hated people who thought themselve superior from others only because of a high salary or a fancy job.

''I don't think this can wait. Sorry, Sebastian.'' Sherlock told him, calmly. ''One of your traders, someone who worked in your office, was killed.'' Sherlock continued making Sebastian's eyes widen slightly.

''What?'' he asked, confused.

''Van Coon.'' I said. ''The police are at his flat.'' I added.

''Killed?!'' Sebastian asked once more, not able to understand.

''Sorry to interfere with everyone's digestion. Still want to make an appointment? Would maybe nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit?'' Sherlock asked Sebastian , looking him straight in the eyes. Sebastian looked around uncomfortable before getting up and following us towards the restrooms.

The boys stood inside the male's restroom with me holding the door open so I can here them while Sebastian washed his hands.

''Harrow, Oxford, very bright guy. Worked in Asia for a while, so...'' Sebastian said.

''You agave him the Hong Kong accounts.'' John told him.

''Lost 5 million in a single morning, made it all back a week later. Nerves of steal, Eddie had.'' Sebastian continued.

''Who'd want to kill him?'' I spoke up.

''We all make enemies.'' Sebastian said, turning to face me while straightening his jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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