Chapter 2

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Rowantail Nightwing Robingrayson Gingerwing and Ruby were walking through the forest which Gingerwing and Ruby fell on the ground Nightwing:Gingerwing! Robingrayson:Ruby! Ruby:The pups are coming Rowantail:Hold on i will help then Rowantail helped Gingerwing and Ruby give birth which Ruby gave birth to a black male wolf pup and a white female wolf pup and Gingerwing gave birth to black male wolf pup a golden male pup and a black female wolf pup Rowantail:Congrats Ruby you have a healthy male wolf pup and a healthy female wolf pup and Gingerwing you have a healthy male wolf pup a healthy male pup and a healthy female wolf pup what are their names gonna be? Ruby:Blackpup and Brindlepup Gingerwing:Dreampup Grasspup and Willowpup Rowantail:Blackpup Brindlepup Dreampup Grasspup and Willowpup are wonderful names lets head back to camp then Robingrayson picked up Blackpup Ruby picked up Brindlepup Rowantail picked up Dreampup Nightwing picked up Grasspup and Gingerwing picked up Willowpup and they head back to camp which Shepherdstar seen them Shepherdstar:Rowantail Nightwing Robingrayson Gingerwing and Ruby you guys are back and i see theres 5 new pups Ruby:Yeah mine and Robingraysons pups are named Blackpup and Brindlepup Gingerwing:Mine and Nightwings pups are named Dreampup Grasspup and Willowpup Shepherdstar:Blackpup Brindlepup Dreampup Grasspup and Willowpup are wonderful well we all should get some rest theres a gathering tonight then they went in the dens and slept

end of chapter 

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