Chapter 11

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Snakefang Flarepaw Blazestep Spikepaw Dreamwolf and Needlepaw were out hunting which they seen rabbits Flarepaw:Rabbits why arent we getting them? Snakefang:Take it from me Flarepaw you cant hunt for yourself only for your clan Spikepaw:I just want to get the rabbits first Blazestep:Spikepaw speed isnt everything you know Needlepaw:I cant wait much longer Dreamwolf:Be patience Needlepaw ok now then Snakefang Flarepaw Blazestep Spikepaw Dreamwolf and Needlepaw chased after the rabbits but then Lock attacked the rabbits Lock:Thanks for leading me to the prey Fireclan then Lock picked up the rabbits and Flarepaw Spikepaw and Needlepaw chased after Lock Snakefang:Flarepaw Blazestep:Spikepaw Dreamwolf:Needlepaw wait then Snakefang Blazestep and Dreamwolf chased after Flarepaw Spikepaw and Needlepaw which Flarepaw Spikepaw and Needlepaw stopped Flarepaw:Wait we wont be able to catch up to him Spikepaw:Flarepaw is right we wont catch up to Lock Needlepaw:Well whatever your plan is im ready to listen then Needlepaw sat down Flarepaw:Really Spikepaw:You mean you arent gonna rush like you normally do Needlepaw Needlepaw:Nope besides my mentor Dreamwolf is right i have to be patient so if you guys have a plan im ready to listen Flarepaw:I have nothing to think of Spikepaw why dont you think of a plan? Spikepaw:Really Flarepaw? Flarepaw:Yeah my mentor Snakefang is right a good warrior learns from his kin so whatever plan you got im willing to listen Spikepaw:My mentor Blazestep is right speed isnt everything sometimes you have to lose to win a fight so Flarepaw Needlepaw i think we should attack Lock together Flarepaw:Ok Spikepaw then Flarepaw Spikepaw and Needlepaw ran after Lock and they knocked him on the ground Lock:Gah then Snakefang Blazestep and Dreamwolf came and seen them Snakefang:Wow they fought like warriors Blazestep:Yes they do Dreamwolf:They deserve to be warriors then Lock ran away Snakefang:Flarepaw Spikepaw Needlepaw that was amazing Flarepaw:Really Snakefang:Yeah you finally learned how to learn from your kin Flarepaw Blazestep:Spikepaw you finally learned that speed isnt everything sometimes you have to lose to win a fight Dreamwolf:And Needlepaw you finally learned patience you 3 deserve to become warriors then Snakefang Flarepaw Blazestep Spikepaw Dreamwolf and Needlepaw headed back to camp and Shepherdstar seen them Snakefang:Shepherdstar you should of seen Flarepaw Spikepaw and Needlepaw they fought amazing Blazestep:They fought like warriors Dreamwolf:We believe they are ready to become warriors Shepherdstar:Well in that case then Shepherdstar went on top of high rock Shepherdstar:Will all dogs old enough to catch their own prey gather around high rock for a clan meeting then everyone gathered around the high rock Shepherdstar:We have 3 apprentices who are ready to become warriors Flarepaw:Shepherdstar just as a request can i be named after my uncle Stormpaw? Shepherdstar:Sure but Flarepaw Spikepaw Needlepaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your lives? All3:We do Shepherdstar:Then by the powers of Starlight i grant you your warrior names Flarepaw from this day forward you shall be known as Flarestorm Starlight honors your courage and your spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fireclan Spikepaw from this day forward you shall be known as Spikewind starlight honors your courage and your spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fireclan and Needlepaw from this day forward you shall be known as Needleclaw starlight honors your courage and your spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fireclan All:FLARESTORM SPIKEWIND NEEDLECLAW!!!!!!! then Shepherdstar got down from the high rock Snakefang:I will miss training you Flarestorm Flarestorm:I will never stop learning from you grandfather its thanks to you i learned from my kin Blazestep:I will miss training you Spikewind Spikewind:I will never stop learning from you Blazestep its thanks to you i learned that speed isnt everything sometimes you have to lose to win a fight Dreamwolf:I will miss training you Needleclaw Needleclaw:I will never stop learning from you Dreamwolf its thanks to you that i learned to be patient then Steve ran in the camp Steve:Shepherdstar i been told by Flamestar Rabbitstar Snowstar Kyle Jackie Shay Skipper Jewel Raven and Storm to get you and your clan Shepherdstar:What is it Steve? Steve:Its Lock he challenged all the clans including the loners and the tribe to a fight Ashshade:I-Is Lock crazy? thats like a huge group of dogs against 1 dog Shepherdstar:Ashshade this might be our chance of peace the clans the loners and the tribe has to work together ok were in Darkleap:Lock is gonna learn that he messed with the wrong dogs Shepherdstar:Rowantail Nightpelt Frostfur Softfur Ruby you dogs will fight too we will need all the help we can get Rowantail:Ok Shepherdstar i will let the other medicine dogs know Nightpelt:I will fight for my clan Frostfur:Yeah Softfur:Yeah Ruby:Yeah Shepherdstar:Theres no need Rowantail everyone knows lets go then Fireclan and Steve walked out of camp

end of chapter

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