Chapter 3~

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The following day, Kourtney Greene, Nina's handmaiden, walked up to the princess' room with tea. She opened the door to find Nina seated on the balcony, viewing the spectacular town. Kourtney has worked with Princess Nina since they were both young girls, they were also best friends, so she could read Nina like a book.

"So, who's the boy?" Kourtney asked, laughing when the princess gave her a shocked look.

"I-uh-haha what do you mean, Kourt?" Nina said, trying to hide her evident nervousness. The embarrassed girl was twirling her hair on her finger, which Kourtney knew was her nervous tick.

"Please, Nina, we've known each other since forever. I think I would know when my best friend has a crush on someone," Kourtney pointed out. "You're also staring at the town with giant heart eyes," Kourtney added with a smirk.

"Am I that obvious?" Nina questioned as she buried her face in her hands.

"Oh honey, no no. You're only obvious to me, and I guess EJ too. Let me remind you: we've known you the longest."

Kourtney and EJ were the only real friends Nina had. She met Kourtney when they were three, and had instantly clicked. Kourtney's sass and attitude matched perfectly with Nina's polite and shy personality. Once Nina had convinced her mothers to let Kourtney work with her, the girls had only become closer. EJ Casswell, on the other hand, was the prince of another kingdom. He was the only royal who actually treated Nina like a real person. Yes, Nina had met many other princesses and princes, but they had treated her differently due to their obsessions with the throne. The prince was also in line for the throne of his kingdom, so he understood the pain that came with the burden she had to carry. They bonded for hours at every party they attended, and eventually became like brother and sister. 

EJ and Kourtney were the only people that Nina could trust the most. Everyone else would report her to her mothers, but the duo never did. They were also the only people who knew that Nina snuck out on Friday nights. They didn't know where she went, but they figured she wanted it to be the only secret.

"So, are you going to tell me who the boy is?"

Nina blushed again while she prepared to answer her friend's question. "Oh, well his name is Ricky, and he lives in the town. I met him when I snuck out last night. He has cute, curly, brown hair, and gorgeous brown eyes. He plays the guitar like an angel- oh my goodness, it sounds beautiful. He told me he works at a bookstore. His sister's name is Gina, and he seems to have a very close bond with her. He is so lucky to have a sibling. Anyway, he likes to skateboard..."

Nina talked about the town boy for hours. Kourtney was not blind, and she could clearly see the way that her best friend's eyes lit up when she talked about the night. Nina may have not realized it yet, but her best friend could tell she was in love.

They spent the rest of the morning talking together while drinking tea. However, Nina knew it was only a matter of time before she had to leave and complete her tasks. Only a matter of time until her joy was cut off by her royal duties.


"YES, LET'S GO, I LANDED IT!" Red celebrated as he landed a kickflip from across the skatepark. He glanced over to see if his best friend saw his trick, but just saw a dazed Ricky.

Big Red had known Ricky since kindergarten. They were first introduced when Ricky defended Red from a bunch of bullies who were teasing Red about his ginger hair. Ever since then they've been inseparable. Well, other than when Ricky is at work, or when he's at home dealing with family problems.

Red has been aware of his friend's finance issues for a while, but never brought it up because he knew it was a rough patch for Ricky. Although they were best friends, Ricky was still pretty private, Red respected that. He knew that he shouldn't try to intrude on his friends personal life unless he allowed it. That's what was so great about Red, he was a supportive friend and was always there when you needed him. Ricky knew that and he was grateful for him.

For the many many years that Red had known Ricky, he had never seen this look on his face. The curly haired boy had a genuine smile on his face as he stared at the clouds and mindlessly fidgeted with his skateboard.

"Hey, what's that weird face you're making right now?" Red asked, which fully got Ricky's attention. Ricky looked a bit shocked as he almost tripped over his skateboard.

"Hahaha what face? I have no idea what you're talking about," the words stumbling out of Ricky's mouth as he tried to regain his composure.

"You look like you're daydreaming," the redhead said, "What? Are you thinking about a girl?" Red mocked. His eyes widened when he saw his friend blush at the question.

"OH MY GOD, THERE'S A GIRL?!" Red exclaimed while Ricky slightly nodded.

"Wait- I thought all the popular girls left yesterday. I heard they were leaving a week before the two week spring break started."

"Yeah they did, but this girl isn't one of them," Ricky replied, still dazed. "She's mature, she's elegant, she's not just pretty, but she's beautiful and gorgeous, and...."

Red just listened to his friend ramble on and on. He's never seen Ricky in this state. He's never seen Ricky so.... in love?

When Ricky finished talking, Red said with a playful smirk, "So, who's the unlucky gal?"

"That is for me to know, and you to find out later," Ricky told him along with a glare. The hard stare was followed by an equally playful grin.

Ricky didn't want Red making such a big deal about him knowing the princess. He also figured that Nina would want to keep it a secret considering her stressful home life.

Red dropped the topic, but only because he figured he was going to find out sooner or later.


Hey guys, here's chapter 3! Sorry, I was going to update yesterday, but something came up. If you like my story let me know by commenting on parts or following me. I mean you don't have to, but like I would love the support. Thanks for reading!

~Jojo  4/3/2021

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