Chapter 7~

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"EJ stop laughing at me and help me find something to wear!" Nini screamed at her friend.

"This is not my area of expertise, so don't look at me. Call Kourt or something."

Nini frantically ran to her phone and texted Kourtney. A few moments later the girl raced into the room, startling EJ.

"What do you mean Code Red?!" Kourtney panted, clearly out of breath.

"I mean Code Red: Fashion Emergency!"

In a flash, Kourtney was flipping through Nini's closet. Pulling out a dress, shoved it in Nini's arms, and herded the princess in the bathroom. Kourtney flopped down on the girl's bed, exhausted.

The prince rolls his eyes, "Girls."

"Oh shut up, Elton John," Kourney shot.

Right as EJ was going to retaliate, Nini walked out of the bathroom. Her best friends both smiled widely at the sight of her.

Nini was wearing a white, off-the-shoulders dress with yellow sunflowers decorating it as her curled hair cascaded off her shoulders. Matched with her white flats, her silver necklace perfectly wrapped around her neck.

"Girl, you look gorgeous." Kourtney said, clearly very proud of her work.

"You look perfect, sis," EJ said.

Nini smiled. "Thank you, guys. I appreciate your efforts."

EJ glanced at his watch and said to Nini, "Okay, we have to go or we're going to be late." 

Nini jumped up and tackled her handmaid with a hug. "Wish me luck."

"Dude, you're not going to need luck, looking like that."

EJ his hand out to Nini. "Shall we?"

She playfully accepted, "We shall."

The two friends settled in the car and had the driver drop them off right at the entrance of the town. They walked to the address that Ricky had given her. When they arrived, Nini waited for EJ to knock on the door. Instead, EJ nudged Nini towards the door before she knocked. When she heard the door begin to open, Nini quickly hid behind EJ.

"Hello, Prince Elton John," he said as he opened the door. Ricky held his hand out for EJ to shake.

EJ kindly took his hand. "Please, call me EJ. You must be the Ricky that Nina has been telling me about."

"Haha, that's me. I hope she's been saying good things about me," he said. His eyes then scanned the area, not seeing Nini. "Speaking of Nina, where is the princess?"

"Hi Ricky," said a small voice from behind EJ. The raven-haired prince took the opportunity to step away, revealing a shy Nini.

At the sight of her, Ricky's jaw hit the floor. He was just as mesmerized as the first time he saw her, maybe even more. Nini giggled at the shocked boy. EJ gave her a little nod, motioning towards Ricky. Nini, understanding his gesture, walked toward Ricky and took his hands in hers.

"Hi Ricky," she said, a little more confidently.

 "Hey Neens," the boy said with a smile.

EJ raised his eyebrow at the nickname, which Nini just brushed off.

"Okay," EJ started, clapping his hands together, "I am going to go to the skateboard shop and probably find an arcade."

Ricky quickly snapped out of his daze to say to EJ, "Oh yeah. The skateboard shop is about two streets down, and if you wanted to test it out, the skatepark is right next to it." 

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