_𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚎 𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜_

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[Tribe Operations]

LessWings have special ceremonies for special occasions. Let's go over them.

[[Coming of Age]]

When a dragonet becomes an adult, they go through a series of trials. This Ceremony is performed the same way for everyone.
Although LessWings aren't very competitive, they won't take failure from their Dragonets in this ceremony.

Every dragon gets a set amount of points (50 points), points are taken off if a dragon is unable to do the task correctly. Points are added if the dragon excels expectations.

[[Scale Flashing]]

Dragons are tested by flashing their scales in series of patterns.
This test is for memory.

Flash facial markings once.
Flash facial markings twice.
-Speed up.
Flash wing markings rapidly.
-Slow down.
Flash wing markings slowly.
-To the left.
Swipe tail to the left while flashing tail markings.
-To the right.
Swipe tail to the right while flashing tail markings.
-Predator/Rival tribes incoming.
Lowing themselves to the ground while flashing their markings dimly.
-Head into battle.
Flare wings and flash their markings.
Flash leg markings rapidly.
Flash tail markings dimly.
Flash markings from the lowest point to the highest point. [from legs to wing-tips]

Dragons unable to flash their scales in the correct order have points taken off.

Dragons are taken to the thickest and most tangled part of the jungle to fly. They have to fly from Point A to Point C.
This test is for agility.

Each dragon is given a Dulcis* and are order to fly from Point A to Point B while avoiding getting tangled or injured.
At Point B they trade the Dulcis for a heavy sack of oats and nuts. From there, they fly from Point B to C where they drop of the sack at a drop-off station. The successful dragons get a fresh cookie as a reward. (Made from the oats and nuts they carried.)

Dragons that either got tangled, injured or weren't able to carry the sack of ingredients are forced to forfeit and have points taken off.


The most brutal challenge.
This test is for endurance and determination.

During a heavy storm, the Dragons are called to the top of Cessabit to complete the ceremony. Starting from the top they have to swim to the outskirts of the Kingdom. Many dragons drowned or got lost in this Challenge and it was nearly banned by one of the past Queens.

Towards the outskirts, the river splits into a few sections, all leading to the outskirts. Dragons are instructed to stay on the widest path [the middle, the longest path] but a few think taking a shortcut would be easier and travel the other paths. This is a terrible mistake since the other paths are the rapids, the can sweep up a fully grown dragon ( considering a fully grown dragon weighs roughly 84,000 pounds. My source, yes it's amino. )

Even if the daredevils are able to pass the rapids and make it to the end, points will be taken off for not following instructions.

A time limit is set for 24 hours (Cessabit is long). Dragons that do not return within the time limit will have a search party to find them. If none are found in the next 24 hours they will be disqualified.


After the remaining Dragons finished the tests, they are brought to the palace for a feast honoring their determination. This is also a time to respect the fallen dragons that were lost in the swimming test.

[Queen Ceremony]

When a princess wants to become the queen (of course, after finding a suitor) they shall request the Queen Challenge. If the current Queen agrees the test begins.
The princess is placed in a room, an empty room. No lights, no door, no way out. A series of various noises are played (Snarling, Yelling, Growling, Glass shattering, Etc.), and it's the princess's job to sit still, failing results in an instant disqualification.
The purpose of this challenge is to test the princess if they can keep calm under pressure.

If successful, the princess moves on to the second stage of the challenge.
The princess is instructed to command the guards in order.
-Head into battle
-Lock the Palace Doors [A quick swish of the tail with rapid flashing of tail markings.]
-Signal the alarms [A quick ruffle of the wing with a dim flash of markings.]

If the Princess is able to command the guards correctly then they move onto the final stage.
Invitations are sent to the LessWings for the whole tribe to welcome the new soon-to-be-Queen at the palace.

The current Queen takes hold of a staff and then the ceremony begins.

CQ= Current Queen
NQ= New Queen//Princess

CQ: [Name here], Under pressure, you were able to stay calm, you are (First Positive Trait) and (Second Positive Trait). You've proven you're ready to lead your tribe.
Do you, [Name here], promise to lead your tribe, stand by your fellow dragons even in hardship? Do you promise to only head into war for the sake of your tribe? Will you make changes for the well-being of your tribe?

NQ: I do.

CQ: Then lend me your roar.

The princess then roars, followed by any LessWing that agrees that they are worthy of being Queen.

CQ: Then it's decided. I hand over my staff and step down from the throne.

The new Queen takes the staff and sits upon the throne.
At night, a feast is held.

The currency in Aemulus. They're shaped like pieces of wrapped candies.
Plural: Candelas.)

Next Chapter: Tribe Appearance & How to create your own LessWing.

_𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎_حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن