I'm not short

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Who ever: You're so short!

Me: I'm not short

Whoever: then what are you then?!

Me: I'm just vertically challenged.



Obama:o_o don't forget to pay your taxes. o_o

mum: *face palms*


Queen of England: .....o_o *chuckles nervously* haha well then

Whoever:that's stoopid. (Yes I know I spelt it wrong.)

Me: it took you that long to come up with that.

Whoever: You're sttooopppid.

Me: o_o bitch whetever. (I know I spelt that wrong also.)
Okay, the reason why I said I knew I spelt it wrong is because some people think their the wattpad Wikipedia and they have to correct everything you misspelled. Okay bye, ho o ed you guys liked this post. Ilyasfm. Oh yeah, 1.17K reads!!???!!!!☺✌✌bye ilya bye. - Zainikens. (My nickname)

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