Chapter 1

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"Has someone told Derek?" Dr. Sloan asked.

" He's in surgery." Amelia answered.

" What about Dr. Karev or Dr. Yang? Has anyone called them?" Dr. Torres asked.

" Dr. Alex Karev is on the next flight out. He was in Idaho or something for a surgery." Dr. Robbins replied.

" Dr. Yang will be on the next flight out." Dr. Wilson replied.

Derek Sheperd takes his surgical cap off and walks out of the OR looking tired, " Can we talk later? I'm tired and I have to go pick up my daughter." He replied.

" Meredith Grey is back." Amelia said.

A little boy bumped into Derek and a couple seconds later a woman comes up to the group out of breath.

" Riley Thomas, I said no running." the women said picking up the boy.

" I... sorry." The little boy replied.


The Chief came up to me, " It seems that you guys have already welcomed back Dr. Grey." The Chief (Dr. Richard Webber) said.

" Sorry, it's actually not Dr. Grey anymore its Dr. Parker." I spoke.

" Amelia?" I questioned and a women looked up.

" Meredith, what are you doing here?" Amelia asked me.

" I thought I would come back to Seattle." I replied.

" Where's little Jack?" Amelia asked.

Jack runs up to us, " Auntie Amelia!" he says.

" You aren't so little anymore. How old are you? 25?" Amelia questioned.

" No, silly. I'm 9 almost 10." Jack replied.

" Wow. When did you grow up?" Amelia asked with a laugh.

" I'm always growing." Jack answered.

" Where's your father?" I asked Jack.

" He went up to see Emilia." Jack replied.

" Were you any by chance related to Nathan Parker?" A women asked me.

" Yes, I'm engaged to the man." I replied. 

" Can someone show me where my Emilia was placed?" I asked.

" Of course, Dr. Sheperd, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Sheperd come with us." The chief answered.

A couple minutes later and I was outside my daughter's room.

Nathan walks out of the room, and I put Riley down. " Jack take Riley and go into your sister's room, please." I spoke and Jack takes Riley's hand and walks into Emilia's room.

" How is she?" I asked Nathan.

" Better I guess." he replied.

" Is the rest of them coming up?" I asked.

" Meri, how is she?" Addie asks me as she comes up to the group.

" Nathan said that's she's better." I replied.

" That's good. Hi Derek, Hi Amelia." Addison said.

" Hello." Derek and Amelia spoke and walked into Emilia's room.

" How's Jake, Henry, Benjamin, Harper and Emma?" I asked Addison.

"They are good. Jake will be here tomorrow. " Addison replied.

" What about the rest of them at the practice?" I asked and by now Derek and Amelia were in Emilia's room.

" Charlotte and Cooper are back in LA because the triplets have the cold. Mason wanted to know if you are going to his Gradation in 2 months. Sam and Naomi should be here in a couple hours with Anna. Violet is on her book tour right now. " Addison replies.

Addison and I walk into Emilia's room, "Auntie Addie!" Emilia said with a smile.

" How are you, Emi?" I asked her.

" I still sick?" Emilia asked me and I walked over to her and sat in the bed and put her in my lap.

" Yes. " I replied with a small smile stroking her hair. 

As Meredith sat in the hospital room, cradling her daughter Emilia, a sense of both relief and worry washed over her. Emilia's fragile state reminded her of all the times she had to be strong in the face of adversity. It was during these challenging moments that Meredith found solace in the support of her friends and family.

"Emi, you're going to get better, I promise," Meredith whispered to her daughter, who gave her a weak but reassuring smile.

Meanwhile, in the hallway outside the room, Addison and Nathan exchanged concerned glances. They knew that Emilia's condition was still precarious, and the road to recovery would be a long one. Addison approached Nathan and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Nathan, you're doing everything you can for her," she said reassuringly. "Meredith is back now, and she'll be by Emilia's side every step of the way."

Nathan nodded, grateful for the support. "I know, Addison. Having Meredith here means the world to both of them."

Back inside the room, Emilia's brother Jack sat quietly, holding his sister's hand. He had missed his mother so much during her absence, but seeing her now, he knew that she was determined to be there for him and Emilia.

"Mom, when are you coming home for good?" Jack asked, his innocent eyes reflecting the hope he felt.

Meredith hugged him tightly. "I'm here, Jack, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise I'll be here for you and Emilia."

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