Wrong Side of the Beach - Chapter Five

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"JJ we got to go, now!" I state running toward him at the table. "Pogue emergency, go look at the window."  

He doesn't question it, he gets up and goes over to the window. It doesn't take him long before he notices I can see his mood drop. "Let's go Nat," he turns to me and says. He walks back over to the table and write what looks like his number on a napkin on the table and hands it to the girl. 

I send him a 'really' look to which he shrugs as we head for the door. He opens the door for me and I bolt out, I can hear that JJ isn't running that far behind me. I finally arrive to the group of people that are standing in the middle of the beach. I run up to stand beside John B, Pope and Kie to see Topper and Rafe and some other Kooks standing in front of them.

"Well look who it is the Pogue princess and her dirty rat scumbag boyfriend," Topper says looking between me and JJ.

"Which is it Top dirty, rat, scumbag or her boyfriend because I can't be all those things at once," JJ reply's to Toppers comment.

"That's up to you to figure out," Topper scoffs.

"We just came out here to surf on this beautiful day then we see you dirty Pouges. It kinda ruined our vibe," Rafe chimes in. 

"Your face kinda ruins the vibe," I hear JJ mumble. 

"Well sort to break it to you Rafe but you don't own the beach," I respond to him.

"Well if we could, we would because we can, cause we're like rich," Rafe adds and nudges Topper obviously very proud of his comment and Topper just rolls his eyes.

"Anyways why don't you guys leave so we can have some fun, "Topper says looking around at the other Kooks with them nodding their heads in agreement like a bunch of drones.

"Yeah I don't think so Top," Kie adds.

"Why don't you go over to the beginner side of the beach where you belong," JJ says send Topper a nice wink.

"Or I have a better idea why does Nat give us some lessons," Rafe says with a grin at his face looking directly at me. I return this by giving him a disgusted look.

Rafe takes one step closer to me after he says this, in which JJ steps in front of me blocking him from getting any closer. "You better watch your next move man," JJ looks him straight in the eyes while saying this.

Rafe puts one of his hands on JJ's shoulder, to which JJ return look is the death stare. "You better take your hand off me now," JJ say sternly not breaking eye contact with Rafe.

"Or what," Rafe replies to JJ. To which JJ immediately pushed Rafe back with his two hands, Rafe stumbles a couple steps backwards.

At this point I lean over and whisper in Kie's ear, "what's in that travel mug." I ask her pointing to the travel mug that is sitting in the sand.

"My smoothie, why," she questions.

"Can I borrow it," I ask her while looking her in the eyes.

"Uhh sure, but do you think this is really the time to be drinking," she says hesitantly.

I quickly grab the smoothie off the ground and walk up really be standing beside JJ. "You know what Rafe, I'll give you surfing lessons," I say to them giving them a nice big fake smile.

JJ looks over at me and gives me a 'what are you doing face,' but I return it by mouthing trust me. He slowly nods his head and looks back at Rafe who is slowly getting closer to us.

"Oh that's great-" Rafe is cut off by me opening up the smoothie mug and dumping it on that hair of his.

JJ puts his hand to his mouth and laughs. "Oh shit," he calls out and raise his hand for me to grab.

"We should probably go," I call out to my friends to which they all nod their head in agreement.

We all turn around and start running the other way. I can here Rafe Cameron say, "you fucking bitch," in the background.

We run from the beach, running through the long grass to the parking lot where the van was parked.

"Come one, come on," John B yells at us and opens the door for all of us to pile in. While John B runs to the passenger seat to drive.

We close the door and get going in the just the right amount of time as we can see Rafe and Topper and some other Kooks running behind us on the street.

JJ sticks his phone out the window in attempts to take a picture. "Smile," he says while taking a photo of Rafe Cameron with his head covered in smoothie.

"Fuck you Maybank," I can hear Rafe Cameron yell in the backround as the van move futher and further away from the kooks.

JJ sticks his head back out of the window and yells, "nah I'm good, I'm more of a mango guy than strawberry." He then contiues to say, "see you around Rafe." Before sticking his head back in the car and giving me a tiny wink.

"Shit," Pope says as he rests his hands in his face.

"What is it Pope," I ask and put my hand on his back.

"They are going to get us back for that," he says while looking at me.

"Pope relax it was joke it's not like we stole their trust funds," I tell him.

"Maybe we should do that though," JJ adds and I send him a 'not right now look.'

Pope sends JJ a frown. I continue to say, "it's going to be okay Pope, I was just tired of those shitheads treating us like crap, aren't you?"

"Yeah," he mumbles. "But they gonna get us back," he says to us in a concreaned tone.

"And we will be ready for them," I tell him and give a good pat on the back.

"What if," he pauses. "What if they fill our boat up with smoothies now or our houses just to spite us," he continues to say starting to sound ridiculous.

"Pope you sound crazy," I tell him giving him a concerned looking while I was talking to him.

"Yeah you do Pope," Kie pipes in while giving him a sympathetic smile.

"While look at the brightside Pope, we would get free smoothies if they do, sounds like a win to me," JJ chimes in.

"But only if its strawberry right," I ask him while turning my head to look at him.

"Right," he says while making his hand fake guns and pointing them at me.

"Can you guys stop talking about smoothies," John B calls out from the front seat.

"Where we going John B," I walk up to crouch right beside him infront of the cup holder.

"Seems like a good day to fish doesn't it," he asks while quickly reverting his gaze to look at me then back on the road.

"I'd say so," I tell him while I start to crawl into the front.

"What are you doing," John B asks me.

"What does it look like I'm going to sit in the front seat," I tell him.

"Well your distracting me," he says while pressing me over.

"Yeah your distracting me too, not complaining though I like the view," JJ says.

Before I can turn around to go hit him Pope and Kiera both say at the say time, "stop it JJ." They both give him a small punch in the chest.

I finally sit down in the front seat and turn around to look at JJ. "You're lucky that I'm not gonna come back there and beat your ass," I say to him.

"Please do," he call out and puts his hands in the air.

I chose to ignore him and turn back around. Everyone has there own seperate conversations between eachother and before you know it we are at John B's place.

We all hope out and John B says, "lets go fishing."

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