The whole band 🎈

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They watch tv shows together, whatever's on the tv they watch, they don't even know what's on but -

Joe- what are we watchin, David?
Dave playing his guitar: idk, what ARE we watching, Drew??
Drew playing with Woody: uhh idk- ask Ed
Ed: *eyes on the tv* Mickey Mouse clubhouse

They all share clothes❤️ jackets, beanies, shoes, you name it. Not overalls tho those are only for Dave. Once, Ed wore Daves favorite overalls because Joe was wearing Ed's jacket for something and..Dave saw him wearing it and didn't talk to Ed for about..two months

"Come on! I didn't mean it"
"You got a stain on them, I waited two hours for that SPECIFIC pair and you know those are my favorite ones I own!"
"*Joe from the other room* For the love of god, shut the FU-"

They never fight, (mind that up there^) and if they do, it'll last for like two seconds and they all resolve their differences

Drew never raises his voice at them since he'll feel really bad if he does :( Plus he doesn't wanna ruin his singing voice
(Please Drew, we need more songs from u I'm gonna cry-)

Ed kinda raises his voice but he'll never yell since there's no point in it.

Dave will scream but will immediately say sorry after (how nice)
Joe,.,yells- he'll apologize five hours later or even a day later. Now, it's a different thing if Drew, Ed and Dave yell, but if Joe yells

You've fucked up😭

All take turns walking Woody. They have a schedule basically.
Ed will walk him Mondays and Tuesdays
Drew and Dave will walk him on Wednesdays and Thursdays
And Joe walks him every Friday and spends an hour at the dog park with him. On Saturdays and Sundays, they all walk him together and spend hours at the dog park just playing with him🥺🥺

Eats nothing but junk food. Drew cooks for them sometimes but it's shit like double butter burgers, meaty meatballs, and Swedish fish tacos (which is just.,.ice cream tacos with Swedish fish on top).
Joe absolutely hates it but
"Um idk if we can eat this, we could fucking..die-"
Ed shoving the food in his mouth: I'm sorry what where u saying??😀👁

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