Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Lucifer sets the mirror down and laughs darkly, turning to face me.  “I knew you were human, but I didn’t realize how simple it would be to tempt you,” he chuckles, “I’m not saying it was easy,” he adds after seeing my glare, “but the fact that it was possible came as a surprise.”

“What.  Are.  You.  Doing.  Here.” I annunciate.  At this point, the old woman decides to discretely move to another aisle, a worried look on her face, “and you could at least make yourself visible so people don’t think I’m insane by talking to nobody,” I add.

“Well, well, well, look at who cares about what humans think of her!” he mocks.

“Knock it off!” I glare, getting more irritated by the second.

“Hey, that one wasn’t my fault,” he laughs, unaffected by my anger, “and I’m a little hurt that you didn’t comment on my amazing new hairstyle!  Serpais, the little doll she is, generously offered to cut it for me.”  I scowl at the mention of the wannabe devil, thinking that her and the little “Homecoming Queen” would get along splendidly.  Lucifer runs his hand through is glossy black, modern-day Elvis inspired haircut and looks at me expectantly.

“Maybe next time you shouldn’t trust that witch with sharp objects,” I tell him, but my snub doesn’t seem to affect him in the least. 

“Aw, don’t be like that,” he jokes.  I ignore him, pushing my cart as far away as I can get from him.  “Hey, I came here for a reason,” he says, stopping my cart with his foot.

“And I’ve only been asking for that reason for the past five minutes!” I exclaim.

“Fair enough,” he shrugs, taking a lighter out of his pocket and lighting a cigarette.  He takes a puff of it before continuing.  “I’m here to bring you back home,” he explains, the smoke cascading from his mouth as he does so.

“Uh… no,” I reply after pretending to think about it.

“I’m not leaving until you agree to come back with me,” he says, his expression turning serious.

“Go to Hell,” I reply cockily, “I came here to get away from you guys, if you didn’t notice, now move your foot before I run over it.”  He steps forward, his entire body now blocking my way.

“I don’t think I made myself clear,” he replies coldly, “I will not return home without you.”

“Why?  Because you were confident enough to tell the others that you could convince me to come back and now you can’t face them unless you deliver?” I ask, “Your pride will be your downfall Lucy.”  He cringes at the mention of my nickname for him.

“My pride is my power, and you’re playing a deadly game sister, and I will be the one to make the last move,” he assures me, his dark smile returning.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” I mumble, before turning the cart around and leaving the aisle.  “What?  My ‘grown up’ little sister isn’t even going to invite me for dinner?” he calls after me.  I roll my eyes, turning back to face him, “It’s the least you could do,” he adds innocently.

“Fine,” I reluctantly agree, “but you have to agree to stop bothering me afterwards.”

“Deal,” he smiles.  Ha, yeah right.

“Come by at six tomorrow,” I tell him, before heading towards the check out line.

“Hey Lilith,” he calls, amusement in his voice.  I whip my head around to glare at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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