Chapter 24

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Adam's POV

The next day after we picked Edna up and had lunch we went back home and played with our baby girl.

It was all quiet until Tommy jumped into my lap where I was sitting on the floor playing with Edna and he said I know where I want to get married baby. It's different and I have always wanted to go there. I kissed his lips and say Ok tell me my sexy baby. Tommy says to me I want to get married at Santa Monica pier. Overlooking the water, I nodded my head and say Ok babe sounds good.

Over the next few weeks, we sorted more of the wedding out. It's literally only going to be my family and the band that's it. I wanted to invite Tim and Anthony but unfortunately, they can't make it, but we did organise to meet up after we get to Australia. Mum said she is going to watch Edna for the week. That way she doesn't miss any pre-school.

One night after we put Edna to bed Tommy was lying on the lounge and I lay on top of him with my head nuzzling his neck when his phone rang. He moved his hand that was under my shirt scratching my back to get it off the table. He groaned when he saw it was his sister who hasn't spoken to him in nearly 2 years. The day of his dad's funeral was the last she spoke to him.

He answered and said why you are calling me after 2 years is beyond me. You haven't spoken to me since dad's funeral. What do you want? I'm busy here. I stifle my laughter when he says that.

I hear her say to him I heard you and Adam are getting married soon and I'm just wondering why you couldn't invite your family. Tommy says for your information yes, we are getting married and you are not my family. You and mum made sure of that at dad's funeral so then I have invited my family as Edna is going to be my flower girl. She is the only family I have so please kindly get on your broom stick and fuck off.

Just as he goes to hang up, she says oh how is my niece seen as though she lives with you and Adam which is a big mistake but hey you want to ruin her life then so be it. I was fuming by this stage and was just about to say something when Tommy turned to her and said yes, we do have Edna living with us. She is better off with us then her bitch of a mother who is too busy getting high then to be a proper mother to her flesh and blood. A bit like mum in a way. She is too busy living the high life then to even care about her only son. I could be dead, and she wouldn't care. Goodbye please don't call me again I don't have a sister or mother anymore as far as I'm concerned. He hung up the phone after that and I couldn't help but laugh and say oh my sexy baby you have been around me way too much. You have my sass now and I love it. You did well baby how you handled that and I'm so proud of you.

I look down at him to see his eyes glistening with tears, so I pull him up into my arms and carry him up to bed. I laid him on the bed then got in beside him and bringing his face into my neck. I just cuddle into him until he is ok again.

Tommy looks at me about 30 minutes later and said I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to get upset. I kiss the top of his head and say babe you have every right to get upset. It's okay and if we need to, we can change your number. I don't mind. I want to keep you safe and if keeping them out of your life is keeping you safe and happy then that's what we will do. He nods his head and nuzzles his nose into my neck and says thank you so much for everything. I can't wait until I can be Tommy Joe Lambert. I smile and say neither can I. It's going to be the best day.

A few days go by after that night and Tommy has buried himself into the wedding planning. I don't mind as I gave him full rein on it. It's keeping him happy and that's what I want to keep him happy.

I picked Edna up from preschool while Tommy was organizing the reception at a hotel near by Santa Monica Pier one day and the manager pulled me aside and said that they had a woman come and try to take Edna, but they wouldn't allow it. We made it Tommy and me or mum, dad, or Neil to pick her up. I asked what she looked like and they told me, and they said she told them she was Edna's mother. I nod my head and say thank you for telling me. I think we will keep her home for a few days just in case she comes back. They tell me that's fine and I grab her stuff and carry it and Edna out to the car.

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