Chapter 43

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Tommy's POV

Not long after we saw the house I couldn't get a hold of Addy and I was getting stressed and worried about him. I missed him so much and just wanted to hear his voice but I couldn't. His phone was turned off so it doesn't even go to the message bank.

After 5 hours of trying I couldn't help but break down in Anthony's arms. It was just him and I as Tim had to go out.

After crying for a bit I hear Edna scream Dam. I look at her and say Dam not here baby girl. I don't know where Dam is. Just as I say that this voice says Dam is right here baby. I know that voice anywhere and I look up and jump into my husband's arms for the first time in about 2 weeks. I missed him so much. Adam says to me I'm sorry baby, I just missed you so much. I feel bad now that I made you upset.

I just stood there in my husband's arms relaxing until I felt little hands on my leg. I looked down and saw Edna with her hands on our legs and Adam pulled away to pick our baby girl up. He cuddles back into me with our baby girl in his arms.

I lean away and kiss those lips that I love and have missed the past nearly 2 weeks.

I looked at Adam and said how did you get here? He says I asked Tim to help me surprise you. He picked me up from the airport.

I will tell you the full story later baby of what happened. I want to spend this afternoon catching up with what is going on here.

How is everything here? I was just about to answer until Tim pipes up and says guys hate to break this up but the house is ready for us to move into.

I cant help the smile that makes its way to my face and when I look at Addy he has a smile on his face.

Adam says that's great Tommy Edna and I can move in tomorrow and you can take a bit longer if you need, it's up to you but at least if we move in then there is someone in the house.

Tim says fine with me Ant and I can move in next week. Adam nods his head and says I will rent a truck tomorrow so we can move our stuff in.

I think we should go and buy a new fridge as well as we left ours in the states.

Tim says yeah let's go have a look now and see what we can get. We can all go out in Tims car as we are yet to get a car each.

Adam says to Tim mate, is there any chance we can go in search of a car too just so Tommy and I can  still get around until I can get another one? Tim says yeah we can have a look at some. You need to hire a truck or get a removalist. I nod my head and say yeah we might hire a truck it won't take long to do it will it babe. Adam says no we can do it within a few hours.

We looked at fridges and we found one we all liked which I'm glad about and that they have one that we can pick up tomorrow when we pick the truck up or should I say Adam picks the truck up.

Tim and Ant decided they would put a few things in the truck as well as they will be going up with us and driving back down the next day.

After that we stopped at a car yard to look at cars and Adam found one he loves. Tim laughs and says oh look Adam is getting a grandpa car. We all laugh at Tim picking on Adam. It felt so good to be walking around hand in hand with my husband again. I will be glad when tomorrow night comes so I can have some time with my husband. Tonight I will let our baby girl have some time with her step father.

The next day is an early start for us as Tim takes Adam to get the truck. I get Edna up and give her breakfast and pack the clothes that we bought over on the plane with us in Adam's car and whatever else that we had in Anthony and Tim's home.

When Tim and Adam get back Adam walks up to me and says you ready babe. I nod my head and put Edna in her car seat that we took from Tims car until we can get ours from storage.

We headed to the storage place to get our things in the truck. Not that I could do much as Edna was very clingy to me. I don't know why as I thought she would be all over Adam.

After a long and tiring trip where we had to stop quite a few times for Edna.

We finally arrived at the house and I breathed a sigh of relief and Anthony, who was in the car with me heard it and asked if I was ok. I nod my head and say yeah just couldn't wait for this day to come but now it has Im dreading all the unpacking.

Anthony came up to me and said mate it's ok I can give you a hand and we can at least get Edna's room sorted out. Then tomorrow before Tim and I head back we can come over and do a bit more with you.

I nodded my head and said thanks mate, I don't know what I would have done without you and Tim the past week. I really appreciate it.

Anthony gently gave me a brotherly hug and said all good mate. I like to help my friends.

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