Chapter five

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They arrived at the Gettysburg Collage, all boys going separate ways to set up their things in their dorms.

Madeline staying back once again, waiting to be instructed where she would be going. Coach Yoast and Coach Boone had already discussed where she would be staying. Coach Yoast had started making is way towards where Madeline was waiting.

"Madeline, follow me, i'll be showing where you'll be staying." He said with a slight smile, gesturing his hand for him to follow her, picking up her things, she made her way towards him and started walking with him towards her dorm.

Once they arrived to the room she be staying in, she noticed she wasn't the only one in it.

"Madeline this is my daughter Sheryl, Sheryl this is Madeline, the teams photographer. You two will be rooming together." He introduced them.

After they exchanged a their hellos, Coach Yoast gave his daughter a kiss on the head and made his way out of the room.

"So, you into football?" Madeline asked while walking over to the free bed across the room from Sheryl's. This brought a smile to the young girls face.

"Well yeah, I am the coaches daughter. What about you? Or you just into taking photos?" Sheryl asked, actually curious. She didn't get along with most girls her age considering most of them were into dresses and dolls. So she just hoped her and her new roommate would get along.

"I know a few things, photography is more my thing." Madeline replied, putting her clothing away in the drawers they provided.

"Cool-." Sheryl started to say until she heard someone yell from down the hall.


Madeline started rushing out of the room until she noticed the young girl starting to follow her.

"No, no. You, stay here." Madeline said to Sheryl.

"What? C'mon." Sheryl said, but obeyed and stomped back to her bed, dramatically sitting down on it with her arms crossed over her chest.

Not wasting anymore time, Madeline rushed down the hall to where the fight was. When she got there all hell had already broken loose. Wanting to do something she pushed through all of the boys, much to their protest, and made her way to the source of the fight.

"Gerry!" Madeline shouted, while pulling on his arm to get him to let go of Julius. Hearing her voice he pulled back and let go of Julius. Turning his head to Madeline he wore a mask of regret on his face. By now all the boys had stopped and let go of each other to see how this plays out. She looked around to see what started the fight and then she saw a poster, that got crumpled in the process of the fight.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Starting a brawl over a poster! How immature can you be?!" Madeline was furious.  He said nothing, Gerry just bowed his head in shame while she scoffed and stormed out of them room.


"Bunch of tough guys, huh? You look like a bunch of fifth-grade sissies after a cat fight." Coach Boone said. He stopped in front of Julius.

"You got anger. That's good. You're gonna need it, son." Moving on he looked at Gerry.
"You got aggression. That's even better You're gonna need that , too, but any 2-year-old child can throw a fit. Football is about controlling that anger. Harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!" Coach said, getting louder with every word.

"Some coaches, they cut a player if they think he's not up to snuff. When they think he's hurting the team. This is a public school program. I will never, ever cut a player who comes out to play for me me, but when you put that uniform on, that Titan uniform, you better come to work." Coach used his hands this time to express his feelings instead of raising his voice.

"We will be perfect... in every aspect of the game. You drop a pass, you run a mile. You miss a blocking assignment, you run a mile. You fumble the football, and i will break my foot off in your John Brown hindparts... and then you will run a mile. Perfection! Let's go to work." He finished, scanning his eyes over the group of boys in front of him.

All the boys started walking out, including Madeline. On the way towards her dorm she heard her name being called from behind her. She turned around to see Alan, jogging to catch up to her.

"Hey." Madeline said, a smile already making a way to her face.

"Hey, I uh just wanted to say I really enjoyed the buss ride here with you. You're a good person to have a conversation with." Alan said, while scratching the back of his neck, rolling on the balls of his feet feeling his face heat up.

This gesture made Madeline melt, seeing him get all red and nervous in front of her. She honestly thought is was an adorable gesture.

"Me too, plus it was really sweet of you to come up to me and tell me that, and it's cute when you're nervous." Madeline said with a teasing but genuine smile, starting to walk backwards. Hearing what she had said, Alan's head snapped up, Again feeling himself go completely red. Seeing this Madeline let out a small giggle.

"See you later, Alan." She waved while turning back so she was walking forward, walking the rest of the way to her dorm.

Alan had a boyish grin on his face while walking back towards the direction where his room was, happiness practically radiating off of him.

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This was a pretty boring chapter BUT I wanted to post something before the weekend ended.
Love you guys💕

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